Favorite team:Iona 
Location:Wherever I lay my hat is my home
Biography:I Am Born
Interests:Southern Food and Fans
Occupation:Polyphasic Sleeper
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Registered on:4/10/2012
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It should be obvious at this point Does FL have long tern locked care facilities? (most needed in FL and OH apparently, based on the news)...
[quote]My wife's not a hooker. She doesn't pay me.[/quote] [b]FIFY[/b] Your pimp hand is not as skrong as mine (allegedly) :pimp:...

re: Dining out scenario

Posted by Cheese Grits on 1/15/25 at 9:14 am
A site like that probably also has a Political Board and a Soccer Board. :casty:...
[quote]• House phones?[/quote] LAN lines and Ethernet are hard wired. If you are smart, you will keep them even if you are thought outdated. My LAN line has its own power line and often I have lost power but my phone still works. More importantly, with no battery, I never have to worry about a...

re: Dining out scenario

Posted by Cheese Grits on 1/15/25 at 9:07 am
[quote][quote]Dining out scenario[/quote] [quote]Based on true events[/quote][/quote] #1 Hit high C at sight of roach #2 Start a career as a woman impersonating a man impersonating a woman #3 Have a successful career in show business #4 Marry a businessman impersonating a mobster #5 Make...

re: Dining out scenario

Posted by Cheese Grits on 1/15/25 at 8:59 am
[quote]If you are sitting at the bar having dinner and a roach crawls across the bar and into your plate, how do you react?[/quote] Help get the roach to admit they have a drinking problem. if that fails share your drink with them. (if this is your date, get lucky, but dump her after the date ...
[quote]1) Elvis and Kurt scare me. They have haunting voices.[/quote] Well, they are actually dead. Are you saying their ghosts are singing to you at your place? [quote]2) I don’t do drugs for fun[/quote] You are a real trooper doing drugs for no fun...
[quote]We raised 7 baby opossums for a week. They don't suckle they lap. I was one of the best weeks of my life.[/quote] Till you ran out of peanut butter?...
[quote]'you all want chicks with dicks in the bathroom with us'[/quote] That is the problem! It is "dudes with boobs" but they flip the marketing. :banghead: :banghead:...
[quote]If you were to look back and pinpoint one key moment that you could change, how would doing so change the programs trajectory?[/quote] Arkansas does not fumble against Tennessee in football Arkansas catches the ball in baseball...
[quote]Granny has been getting it[/quote] Not me, I use protection....
[quote]So, I was just thinking[/quote] See, that right there is where you went wrong!...
[quote]I knew you weren't when I saw this[/quote] Not like anybody talks REAL politics on here, might as well make it fun! :cheers:...
[quote]It’s stupid to even talk about this you might as well talk about colonizing mars it’s not happening[/quote] Which is why I want more US hardware in the Pacific instead. [b]My favorite FORD[/b]! [img]https://wonderfulengineering.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/4ca79d40e8645ac7f0eb6...
Russia would not buy it they would just grab it, especially if we do not stop Pootie Boy in Ukraine....
[quote]Greenland would be 50th, ahead of Mississippi[/quote] Not surprised, everybody is ahead of Mississippi....
[quote]Maybe you're unaware of the amount of naval hardware we already have surrounding China.[/quote] I am aware, but I am an old school Boy Scout. Be prepared! (and then some) :cheers:...
[quote]Providing comedy while trying to g to be serious.[/quote] No, I actually am trying to provide comedy but folks think I am being serious....
True, but Palin lives in Alaska, not Greenland. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/XnJTpLmtDe0aQ/giphy.gif[/img] Chicks who can shoot are even hotter than those who can not [img]https://c.tenor.com/tPmsNCWuWI4AAAAM/guns-girl.gif[/img]...