Here's How Jadeveon Clowney Is Using The Trash Cans Jaguars Fans Sent Him using the cans to give kid
© Michael Shroyer-USA TODAY Sports
After Jaguars QB Blake Bortles lit up the Texans like a Christmas tree on Sunday, Houston DE Jadeveon Clowney called Bortles "trash." Once Jacksonville fans got word of this, they sent him trash cans. Clowney took them and turned it into a positive using the cans to give kids toys for Christmas...
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TIGERBAIT202081 months
Van is parked in a handicapped parking space. Nice act of kindness @ Christmas though. Good job.
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Fearless_and_True81 months
Those cars won't fit
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dantonioredux81 months
I don't doubt it's at least in part a PR stunt. That being said, he did a good thing. Those kids are going to be happy.
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GeauxTigers010781 months
Hey look at me!
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Scruffy81 months
Scruffy doesn’t see the trash cans in that pic.
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ultratiger8981 months
look under his left and right arms
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gizmoflak81 months
If only he had called Bortles a Rolex instead of trash.....
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CaptainJ4781 months
I admire the guy for taking it as a lesson and moving forward and making a positive contribution. We all do or say stupid stuff... it’s good to see a guy make his mistake have a positive outcome.
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sportsaddit6881 months
Maybe a negative situation doesn't happen if you decide not to call another person trash.
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