Antonio Brown Is Going Back To College?! What?! Where?! Central Michigan
© Jasen Vinlove-USA TODAY Sports
Well, he can't play in the NFL, so what will Antonio Brown do now? He's going to back to college at Central Michigan...
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Filed Under: NFL
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Breauxsif65 months
This guy can actually read?
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Leopold65 months
Good. Honestly. This about the closest thing he's made to a smart decision in the past year. Hope the man learns something.
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pellietigersaint65 months
he is mentally ill and I'm not making a joke
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Skinny65 months
What if C-A-T really spelled DOG. Wow, yeah thats heavy Ogre.
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km65 months
He's finally figured out how to get some class....Oh! Wait. That's not the class they were talking about?
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saints502165 months
more rape victims in a smaller area...I see what he did there.
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randybobandy65 months
Central Michigan Penitentiary? Good choice, the gruel is top notch.
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luciouslou65 months
Hasnt school already started?
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lsufan197165 months
May I recommend remedial English
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km65 months
He should be going back to middle school.
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dbeck65 months
Hope one of his classes is "How To Not frick Up: 101"
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