In an interview with the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Falcons WR Roddy White took aim at the Saints and the city of New Orleans as a whole while showing a smidgen of love for the team’s fans.

“It’s just a special atmosphere when we play these guys,” White said. “The game is so intense. We want to win. They want to win. They have won the division two out of the last three years. We won it the other year.”

“For the last couple of years, it’s been us and them down to the wire. I think that’s what it is and the dislike for each other.”

“I don’t like nothing about the Saints. The colors. The city. Nothing. But they’ve got some good food though. Other than the food, nothing.”

“At that stadium, it’s just that the people dress up in all kinds of costumes. They come out there partying like it’s a club or something. That’s the other thing I like, their fans really get into the game.”

Filed Under: New Orleans Saints
user avatar
DownSouthCrawfish147 months
son, i am disappoint. i expected some hardcore ripping...or something.
user avatar
LSUNO12010147 months
You said it spslayto, Yahoo is the worst with headlines!
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lsu480147 months
You are better than this Chicken...
user avatar
spslayto147 months
Are Yahoo! headline writers now writing the headlines for Tigerdroppings?
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djcaz33147 months
I see nothing wrong with his comments. Not half as bad as mullet boy from Minny or Danny Noonan back in the 80's.
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Jango Fett147 months
He is complementing the fans. He doesn't like a division rival? How is that "ripping"?
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TheCaterpillar147 months
HE didn't rip Nola. He complimented the people and the food. He just had to say he didn't like the football team. They are rivals. Terrible headline.
user avatar
bwallcubfan147 months
He bashed us while also complimenting us...that was the weakest "rip "ever...
user avatar
AtlantaLSUfan147 months
HATE THIS TITLE! It's obvious Roddy was trying to act like he doesn't like the Saints but actually shows nothing but respect for the team and city.

He was a class act. Then this thread title is low-brow crap.
user avatar
SouljaBreauxTellEm147 months
How do you not like Black and Gold?
user avatar
CocoLoco147 months
He sounds very educated
user avatar
Carson123987147 months
larry leo = chris chase
user avatar
TigerintheNO147 months
He is just pissed the Saints have won 10 of the last 12.
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Harry Caray147 months
Love the Saints, but I'm always stoked when any of my players on FF play against them. I got Roddy White.
user avatar
KennesawTiger147 months
That's yellowing what he said a little bit to get hits, don't you think?
user avatar
diddydirtyAubie147 months
Larry Leo is turning into another Chris Chase.
user avatar
catfish 62147 months
So how is that ripping New Orleans at all?

Sounds like he compliments them a lot actually.

Good reporting
user avatar
DJTigers147 months
You know it!
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