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Location:Middle Court at the Rec
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Registered on:7/5/2011
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Matt Damon is one of the few actors that I always just see as Matt Damon in movies he’s in. Terrible.

yeah hes garbage. only movie I thought he was good in was Departed.
WOW that is a great looking pie. Jaw dropped when he opened the box

re: Fresh sausage in BR

Posted by Carson123987 on 2/10/25 at 9:09 am
Make the drive out to Benoit's in Addis. They have some really killer fresh sausage.

Arkham Origins - 2013

different studio


what is live service?

Is that like all the micro purchases in the game once you pay $70 to buy the game?

Battlepasses, seasons, rotating maps and content, etc

Most are free to download and they get you to buy all the little incremental things

we're on the verge of a 1980s type crash with the video game industry. these AAA companies just do not get it.



dude said place is a year old, is it really a stretch for me to say I've never heard of it? :lol:

I go to Zee's every time I go to NOLA, gonna try it next time
Never heard of it, looks really good though
That deep dish looked solid, the "NY style" looked like dogshit

re: The Menu- Netflix

Posted by Carson123987 on 2/5/25 at 3:30 pm
One of the best movies from whatever year it came out, if not the best. Great performances, tight script, great production quality

State returns are about $20, simple federal returns are free. That includes schedules C and B for certain but I think it includes ALL 1040 schedules.

Correct. I had a lot of Schedule C income and deductions and it was still free. State was $14.99 for me (LA)

re: Dave Portnoy first pizza stop

Posted by Carson123987 on 2/4/25 at 8:15 pm

Hopefully he tries Zee’s while in town

He had Zee's when it was a truck I think. Gave it a similar score

re: Dave Portnoy first pizza stop

Posted by Carson123987 on 2/4/25 at 8:04 pm
Good looking pie. Nice crisp sound with each bite

Lonathan Oscarson

dude I forgot about this one :rotflmao:

you always remember the best ones. Rennis Rinke lmao
I listened to Waldo Graham Schwake-Eulenberg's segment on Roaro Kleibenschnott's show yesterday and they basically agreed. No tears from them