Ohio State QB Justin Fields Talks About Wanting To Go Back To Georgia After He Transferred
© Thomas J. Russo-USA TODAY Sports
On Wednesday, Ohio State QB Justin Fields opened up about his decision to leave Georgia following his freshman season and how after being a Buckeye for a couple of weeks, he wanted to go back to the Bulldogs...
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I think Ohio State fans are happy he stayed.

(The Spun)
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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BigDropper57 months
Buyer's remorse? This little entitled brat thought that it would be ok to just transfer back to UGA? What level of delusion does it take for a spoiled little whiner to believe this is acceptable behavior?
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CDawson57 months
But Georgia is a bunch of racist? Why would he want to go back. As soon as he said that he should have been ruled ineligible and to sit out a year like every other non-grad transfer.
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SmelvinRat57 months
Kirby would probably have lined him up at TE...
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CanebreakCajun57 months
Wtf I thought uga was a bunch of racists
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Coonass57 months
Don't matter, OSU going to get skull-f***ed by Clemson.
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cajunguy57 months
Hope he wins vs Clemson. Like to see that happen or show the next team all the weaknesses clemson has.
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SkintBack57 months
Make him sit out next year for lying. They did worse to Fulton.
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ByUselves57 months
I can see it now, some white kid is friends with black talented backup skilled player, he wants to play now. Tells his buddy to call him, insert racial slur, cool, thx, now I can transfer to Brand X U and play immediately. Weak assed & spoiled people in this world, and leading the way is the NCAA and their desire to be PC.
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Strannix57 months
but I thought they were raciss
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Mr. Hangover57 months
Why does it look like someone had this dude’s head in a vertical vise grip for about a month? frick this racebaiting, lying, piece of trash
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ExpoTiger57 months
Total bullshite made up race card. Cool.
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young man tiger57 months
Can't really blame a guy for working a flimsy system to his benefit. But you gotta stay the course and not drop the narrative that got you playing without having to sit out a year.
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Spelt it rong57 months
We can, and should blame him for using racism as a tool, though.
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Spelt it rong57 months
So wait, he was comfortable at UGA? If he felt he needed to transfer and leave his siblings behind due to racism (which I can only believe to be uncomfortable), then why was he granted a waiver to play immediately? This whole thing stinks.
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Geauxboy57 months
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lsubatman157 months
What a joke. This guy had no business being able to play immediately.
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Zeek57 months
But The Ohio State University is to the NCAA,what Alabama is to the SEC. Privileged characters. South Carolina got blasted, while The Ohio State got slapped on the hand (Chase Young).
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