Here's What LeBron James Gifted Ohio State Football Players
Andrew Weber-USA TODAY Sports
Ohio native and long-time Buckeye fan LeBron James hooked his Ohio State football team up with some swag before Monday's National Championship game...
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Filed Under: NCAA Football
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CajunBullet49 months
What is "Tattoo Man" going to give them after that 28 point arse whipping by Alabama? Shows one what playing just 6 games in the regular season gets you....over rated!
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Tchefuncte Tiger49 months
Isn't that an NCAA violation?
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Steve Janowski49 months
Just because you buy them gifts don't mean you went there LBJ23!
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CanebreakCajun49 months
Did they have to kneel to receive?
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BIGJLAW49 months
That's a good one.
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Jumbo_Gumbo49 months
Isn’t this the same as what OBJ did with LSU after they won the Natty last year, sparking an NCAA investigation?
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ShakeandBake49 months
NCAA compliance has entered the chat
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b8749 months
As long as all the players received the exact same thing he isnt violating anything
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CanebreakCajun49 months
Absolutely not. That is now how it works. If you are a booster, which simply means you donate money to the athletic program, which includes those nice added fees to season tickets, it is a violation. Lebron donates money to their program. He is a booster.
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Bucktail149 months
Lol, idiot
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy49 months
“Act surprised for these Twitter photos and pretend you don’t already have 5 of these at home provided by your personal alumnus host”
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Hangit49 months
He gave them some Chinese crap. Does he own the pre-teen kids that assemble these? Poor little Asian slaves.
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jbird749 months
Seems like people like him are ok with violating human rights so long as you profit from it.
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CanebreakCajun49 months
He should have included some really brochures of the Uighyr kids in each box.
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Giantkiller49 months
Why is one of the pictures some guy grabbing his balls?
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Shotgun Willie49 months
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pellietigersaint49 months
he didn't pay for this. He is sponsored by Beats. Beats provided this as part of the NCAA bowl swag allowance. Lebron is an idoit, but he did it the right way. OBJ did it the wrong. way. He did the same thing last year and yall reacted the same way
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brett40849 months
Absolutely an NCAA violation.
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Fightin Okra49 months
Seems more than the $1000 OBJ handed out
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ArkTiger5549 months
NCAA just gonna walk on by this one.
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redbullwings49 months
Very strange thing for him to do, and how is this any different than Odell handing out cash (I think it was incredibly dumb by Odell btw)?
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