Did Cameras Catch USC President Carol Folt Checking Out A Ref During Notre Dame Game?
James Snook-USA TODAY Sports
USC's new President Carol Folt was on the sideline for the Trojans game against Notre Dame on Saturday night, that's when cameras caught her giving one of the refs a once over...
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Big stripes fan, eh?

(The Big Lead)
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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Doug Masters64 months
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Morris164 months
Do ya know when you actually go after a strong and independent woman? When she’s 50 and you are 60+ and has more than you. The only time.
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Morris164 months
Insert any 40 + yr old man and......none of these excuses are used. Double standard all the way.
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Steve Janowski64 months
haha no doubt! Any male AD that did that would be resigning today! All of the #metoo's would be out killing him today!
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BradPitt64 months
It especially wouldn't happen in the cesspool that is LA.
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OGTiger64 months
The ref looks like Karl Childers from Sling Blade. Don’t think she was checking him out. Maybe being sure he wasn’t carrying a kaiser blade.
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SpartyGator64 months
She aight
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TigerTail364 months
She's very thirsty...
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Placebeaux64 months
She likes the cock.
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LSUtoBOOT64 months
She was thinking about getting called for illegal touching.
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chinhoyang64 months
She kind of looks like Dean Wormer's wife in Animal House.
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goodgrin64 months
Remember, old folks frick.
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187undercover64 months
My 70 year old neighbor is a testament to this. I am 37 and she is unreal.
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Drizzt64 months
Did you just admit to banging a 70 year old?
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SmelvinRat64 months
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bamagreycoat64 months
Toxic femininity!
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RichJ64 months
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RichJ64 months
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StadiumDormRat'7264 months
Bad Grandma
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FowlGuy64 months
He might have the BWC she seen the bulge.
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tketaco64 months
She fricks for sure
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JackieTreehorn64 months
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luciouslou64 months
Nice. I'd hit it
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BobABooey64 months
She’s not bad, either.
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Bayoubred64 months
Is he saying something about "some sluts.."
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