Those NILs just keep giving. According to sports business reporter Darren Rovell, Utah QB Jaxson Dart has signed a deal with the NICHOLAS AIR private airlines company...
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Filed Under: NCAA Football
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Deltatiger11 months
Let's not pretend Nicholas wasn't flying him around anyway...this way it's above board and they get some PR out of it.
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Tiger198811 months
3rd team SEC. Heisman my arse
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NoBoDawg11 months
Nice purse & Louise Vitton tshirt. Damn, what a chode
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BGLAVI211 months
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I wish Larry would transfer to Utah.
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POTUS202411 months
This guy should be fired.
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Le Tenia11 months
Haha Utah???
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CanebreakCajun11 months
Dart plays for Ole Piss you fool!
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EFHogman11 months
Why did he transfer to Utah?
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jbird711 months
Larry, your father’s on line 2. Says you’re killing him.
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tigahland11 months
Damn it Larry check the facts before submitting
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DWaginHTown11 months
Their headquarters is in Oxford.
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mylsuhat11 months
I was shocked.. no way he'd start over Cam Rising lol
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Mickey Goldmill11 months
He's originally from the state of Utah. Headline should have said Ole Miss QB.
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LSUBlake1111 months
Come on man, get the post right. He plays for Ole Miss. You have everyone on here searching the internet on if Dart transferred to Utah...
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TDTOM11 months
Is that the Ole Miss douche?
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TheRouxGuru11 months
Dart transferred??
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