Michael Jordan Says He Can Beat His Hornets Players 1-On-1
Sam Sharpe-USA TODAY Sports
Michael Jordan has never lacked confidence when it comes to playing anyone one-on-one. So when the greatest of all time was asked by France’s L’Equipe if he thinks he could beat some of his Charlotte Hornets players in a game of one-on-one, he didn't waiver...

“I’m pretty sure I can, so I don’t want to do that and demolish their confidence,” Jordan said. “So I stay away from them, I let them think they’re good…but I’m too old to do that anyway.”
I think he could. Either way I would pay to see it.
Filed Under: NBA
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fisherbm1112116 months
For being the "GOAT" Jordan seems to have some serious self esteem issues. Seems like he is always comparing himself to someone, just do what every other owner does and maintain your program quit trying to play them in one on one.
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Magazine St116 months
Maybe ten years ago, when he was doing exactly was he says here. I'm sure his skill is still there, the physical gifts he had are not though (Mike can stil dunk).
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Tiger in Texas116 months
Old ugly dude needs to give it up- he is no longer any relevant...
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RBWilliams8116 months
Jordan would break his hip.
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SpartyGator116 months
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gorillacoco116 months
Jordan is 52. I am not a betting dude but I would put $100 on any NBA player under 30 against him. He was a great player and maybe he's in great shape for his age... but I just have a hard time believing he can compete with world class athletes at his age. Father time is undefeated.
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Rebel Land Shark116 months
Then do it
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TOKEN116 months
Jordan needs to go away with this nonsense. You're an owner, not some D League flame out.
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Henry Jones Jr116 months
I don't doubt there's a few he could beat. He's not exactly in terrible shape
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randomways116 months
Waver, man, waver. Waiver means he's not kicking them off the team first.
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Hester Carries116 months
He could beat Bismack Biyombo. He's the worst offensive player in like half a decade.
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