Lakers star LeBron James showed up to Friday's game against the Clippers with a glass of red wine...
© Stephen R. Sylvanie-USA TODAY Sports
Yes, he wasn't playing last night due to his groin injury, but come on. Lakers star LeBron James showed up to Friday's game against the Clippers with a glass of red wine...
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Such a "look-at-me" move.
Filed Under: NBA
user avatar
shel31173 months
Some folks may need to evaluate their priorities if that video of Lebron makes them that angry. These comments are LOL worthy.
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bengalman73 months
Figures he like wine with all the dam WHINING he does!
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JustLSUit73 months
Is he expecting a flood?
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coachw73 months
Can't stand this racist puke.
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NFLU73 months
Like a King do. Get em LJ.
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Placebeaux73 months
Its cringe level how tacky and classless this guy is.
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Strannix73 months
Well you wouldn’t expect him to use the Boon’s Farm bottle it came in.
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Longstreet73 months
This guy is such a clown compared to Jordan when he was the same age.
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PortHudsonPlaya73 months
If social media would’ve been around it would’ve been interesting to see how shitty a human being Jordan was.
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luciouslou73 months
Shut up & dribble Words spoken by a true leader
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StupidBinder73 months
I put LeBron and Cam Newton in the same category. So much talent and so physically gifted but I just can’t pull for them because they’re obnoxious.
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PeterPeterP73 months
Liked him until he said NFL owners were white salve owners. Idiot. Stick to throwing 3s and shut the frick up.
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EyeTwentyNole73 months
I really can't stand this dude
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BigDropper73 months
His wardrobe, the wine with the limp & the overall awkwardness of his behavior reminds me of a homeless wino.
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Breauxsif73 months
How is this news Larry?
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reo4573 months
This dude has become the biggest premadonna in my lifetime. A true egomaniac and look at me modern day attention whore. I want to be like Mike, not this beech.
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Cousin73 months
Like a BAWSE!
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GeauxLSUGeaux73 months
Probably likes to smell his own farts too
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SDVTiger73 months
Captain Beta Male
user avatar
He sure likes to Wine about something these days.
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Bustedsack73 months
I always wondered where my donated pants from 5th grade went.
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jgawron73 months
The tampering rule he neglects, white owners of the NFL, etc. etc....I am so done with this guy..I hope he never wins another or makes it to another championship game...Time for a new era like Giannis...
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