LeBron James Makes Grizzlies Ball Girl Cry By Giving His Game-Worn Shoes
© Justin Ford-USA TODAY Sports
It's that giving time of year and LeBron James gave this Memphis Grizzlies ball girl, and huge LeBron fan, the Christmas present she's always wanted - his shoes...
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Filed Under: NBA
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burke98574 months
Here's some stanky shoes
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Napoleon74 months
$500-1000 on Ebay tho.
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ShamelessPel74 months
You're missing one 0 there Napoleon.
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy74 months
NBA needs more ambassadors like this
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Walt OReilly74 months
I love Lebron. We need more Lebrons
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Wolfhound4574 months
That was pretty cool. Good on you LeBron.
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c on z74 months
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biglego74 months
That’s cool of him although I personally wouldn’t want anyone’s old shoes
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TheWalrus74 months
It was a goddamn home game for the Lakers, embarrassing
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chRxis74 months
you can bemoan his on court antics... you can question his input in the construction of his teams... you can ridicule his political leanings... but one thing that will never be in question is the sincerity, as a human being, that Lebron TRULY is... he didn't do this for the optics of it, obviously, considering he wasn't even aware this gesture was being filmed... he did it because he is actually a good hearted person, as the consistent evidence he has given us, over time, suggests...
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ScaryClown74 months
Oh it must be so hard to give people shoes when you have an endless supply. Give me a break
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stniaSxuaeG74 months
I’m not a big Lebron fan, but that was classy.
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GeorgeTheGreek74 months
That’s cool as hell. Good for him.
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