How Annoying Is LeBron Coaching Bronny On The Court During Warmups Last Night
© PHIL MASTURZO via Imagn Content Services, LLC
Bronny James and his travel team are in Akron, Ohio this weekend for The Battle: Summer Showcase, a three-day event that’s taking place inside The LeBron James Arena. So of course being in his home town, LeBron wasn't going to let his son have the spotlight himself...
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Filed Under: NBA
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GeauxsomeMeaux38 months
Who cares! The nba is dead to most people!
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ByUselves38 months
What's the deal on the 1 white leg? Is that his shooting leg? Does it have a medicinal function? Or is just to be cool and let his dad know which kid is his?
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BabyTac38 months
Is this where I’m supposed to complain about a dad trying to be a father?
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atltiger648738 months
it's very good that Lebron is involved with his son. Major kudos for that. But being one of the most famous people on the planet, you'd think Lebron would sit up in the corner and not make it all about him. Let his son shine on his own.
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Spasweezy38 months
Lebron is a gobbler of cocks. A cockgobbler.
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Tigerwm2338 months
I don’t see any other parents out there trying to coach their kid, because they already have a coach. And I haven’t seen any other pro pricks trying to take the moment away from their kid by doing this. Le Bra can disappear along with the entire NBA and I wouldn’t care.
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Albino Potato38 months
Yeah this is a little weird and comes off as “look at me” but I think we should give LeBron credit for doing what he never had done for him. That’s have a father who is loving and involved in his life. Yes, he’s cheesy and can be cringe worthy at times, but nobody showed him how growing up. Let him be, he loves this family and is proud of them.
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FredBear38 months
I don't like Lebron James much at all and there is plenty to criticize him about but being a father to his kid ain't one of them. He's definitely a minority within his own race for doing so. It would be nice if he would encourage others to do the same instead of whining victim all the time however
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kciDAtaE38 months
Im not a fan of Lebron but what’s the big deal here? He isn’t the only father on the court. And least he taking care of his kids and being a good dad. Y’all are looking at things to hate on.
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idlewatcher38 months
Tell us more about your experience on the court at this specific game.
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jrctiger8438 months
This teams coach must be weak as Fk. If Ledouche isnt a coach for this team, he needs to continue this nonsense at home.
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ctiger6938 months
LeBron can’t even read
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RamboMizzou38 months
Lebron is annoying as frick. With that being said, he is a good family man. But yeah, Bron has been annoying af the past few years.
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the LSUSaint38 months
All you need to see is a parent out in the court. Ge is a fricking douche
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Water Mocassin38 months
LeGod is a sanctimonious jerk.
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YMCA38 months
Being really good at playing a sport doesn’t always equate to being good at teaching that sport.
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Warfarer38 months
Surprised that big bitch didn’t flop on the ground 3 times in the video.
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Buck Dancer38 months
I can’t think of another player as good at basketball and as unliked. He really is insufferable.
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BayouCatFan38 months
LeBron seems clueless to Bronnys body language which is screaming, "Dad, leave me alone"
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JackieTreehorn38 months
LeBitch is a pussy
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emoney196938 months
Say it to his face and quit hiding behind a keyboard
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VermilionTiger38 months
“Dad, do you have to make a basketball game that’s about me and my teammates all about you?”
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idlewatcher38 months
Even his kid is annoyed
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HabaneroBuck38 months
His kid is probably thinking about how much better coaching he's gotten from other adults in his life.
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