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This is 22-year-old race car driver and model Lindsay Brewer...

Filed Under: NASCAR
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Geauxboy59 months
I want to be taken seriously as a driver. I'm as good as the men!!Now, do you want me in a bikini or just in my racing gear?
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Drizzt59 months
Andretti started the same way doing bikini shoots
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KennabraTiger59 months
Damn I wish I had money
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Tigerwm2359 months
Just WOW
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CanebreakCajun59 months
She is ok if you’re into the hot, young, blonde thing....
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GeauxsomeMeaux59 months
It’s not for everybody!
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SG_Geaux59 months
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TNTigerman59 months
Top of the line, quality girl.
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OchoDedos59 months
I taught I saw a putty kat...I DID!!!..I DID!!!
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rrboy59 months
Wow a dime! Very rarely seen
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NPComb59 months
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TigerFan5555559 months
thats worth 18 years child support...
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GetEmTigers0859 months
Damn. But yeah a babe that can drive the hell out of a stick shift is hot af IMO
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Music_City_Tiger59 months
In the first pic on the right... Are her drawers in her gash?
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Tiger in Texas59 months
Yes, cute girl, in fact, very cute, but I would still take that Ferrari Dino over her! But my concern is here we go again- lets get another Danica Patrick, who has nice hair and looks nice, but will never be a serious driver to win races. What's next, a transgender driver?? Sick of political correctness!!
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Lsu10120559 months
My man, you are over thinking this one.
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LafourcheTiger59 months
“Let’s find some really hot chick and throw her in a race car. Yes, she’ll suck but it’ll make us money and draw attention to the sport”
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Walt OReilly59 months
She’s perfect
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castorinho59 months
I'd let her ride me
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Drew Brews59 months
Was not expecting dat arse :unclejessehavemercy:
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Mr. Hangover59 months
Literally every girl in the world would have an arse that looks that way while standing like that
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Summer of George59 months
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ByUselves59 months
I bet she is a pretty slick stick shifter!
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