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re: So glad AB is on our side.

Posted by castorinho on 7/26/24 at 2:17 pm
[quote]You sure that isn’t just another false media narrative you’ve been coaxed in to believing?[/quote] Nah. That MFer definitely has CTE :lol:...
[quote]A crash is coming soon.[/quote] people have been saying this for how long now ...
[embed]https://x.com/InEdWeTrust31/status/1816581073150828862?s=19[/embed] :rotflmao:...
[quote]Black gay and queer men for Harris call[/quote] :lol: wtf...
[quote]Does this mean born with or without a penis?[/quote] I [i]think[/i] born with a penis, then sliced it ...
[quote][b]My money is on[/b] an all-out effort to postpone the election[/quote] bullshite, you wouldn't bet even just $100 on that :lol:...
[quote]What are you getting at?[/quote] He's too worried about an fbi visit to spell it out :lol:...
[quote]A lot believe their lies.[/quote][img]https://y.yarn.co/a281d0dd-dbcd-4dfc-806d-37a2636ad93e_text.gif[/img]...
[quote]A not lying detector would probably be more useful.[/quote] :rotflmao:...
[quote]and the core of the American left.[/quote] do you believe this shite? :lol:...
What did you think they were gonna say. They don't want to open up the door of him having to give up the presidency in the next few months if they say it's health related. ...

re: Y'all OK, Rangers fans?

Posted by castorinho on 7/25/24 at 9:05 am
This thread has TREMENDOUS potential ...
What was the case of the lady arrested for praying? Nothing will surprise me these days, but seem like he was most likely leaving something out....
I will say this....Wray sounds a lot more competent and "know his shite" than Cheatle did on Monday...
[quote]It would be much better if the minimum was 5 or 10 yards.[/quote] THIS. One yard is fricking dumb...
[quote] Amazing the contrast between this and the hearing on Monday with the Overisght committee.[/quote] Just tuning in, has this been worthless overall? don't want to waste my time again...