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Filed Under: MLB
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Rex Feral10 months
If they really wanted to connect with Philly, they should have put the chalk outline of a dead body and police tape on the shirt.
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SwampyWaters10 months
Like the shirt, but pants need to be changed.
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southernboisb10 months
I like the font style EXCEPT the (tall but thin) design.
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Tigertown in ATL10 months
Font looks like it should be on a poster for a horror film.
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super disappointed to learn the blue and yellow colors are for Phila flag and not Ukraine :-/

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JackieTreehorn10 months
God awful. Nike is pure shite
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oldtrucker10 months
Love em, ordering mine today
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More beer please10 months
That’s travel slow pitch softball
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GruntbyAssociation10 months
That’s what I was thinking. They look like a corporate league team softball team.
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ColdTurkey10 months
Well, at least the city will embrace it.
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POTUS202410 months
This entire concept of 'city connect' is one of the worst ideas in all of sports.
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Kajuntiger12111010 months
U may not be a fan, but I am! Those unis look sweet
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Clark1410 months
Looks a bit hot for the summer weather. I’m not a fan a dark baseball uniforms.
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TigerintheNO10 months
A uniform(city) that embraces their imperfections. Well they nailed it
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