Here's how Opening Day went in Milwaukee for these Brewers fans...
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Filed Under: MLB
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Gumbo182 months
Physics. Can't defy it.
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PhilipMarlowe82 months
trump voters.
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Gumbo182 months
Are you still watching the Hillary excuse tour?
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PortHudsonPlaya82 months
You have to be really trashy to sit in the upper deck at a sporting event. Even if you can't afford the ticket, watch it on TV if that's the case.
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LSUfan2000582 months
I’ll maintain: when people start filming you, it’s time to get out of there.
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Erin Go Bragh82 months
From Sun Tzu's The Art of War, never attack from lower seat when opponent holds higher ground. Sun Tzu was a real baseball fan.
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PortHudsonPlaya82 months
got to go for the nuts.
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V2_Jigsaw82 months
it’s hard to be taken seriously when begging for a fight while holding cotton candy
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Amazing Moves82 months
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WhiteMandingo82 months
This shut tends not to happen around the south. It doesn't take that long to escalate in my experience. Generally it's millennial pussy runs mouth gets punched,they're not much banter between parties
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Le Tenia82 months
that twerp was running his mouth and deserved to dick sucker swole. "stop fricking being a piece shite.."
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EyeTwentyNole82 months
Fat dude looked like he was about to tumble all the way down to first base.
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roadGator82 months
Looked like a drunk picking on kids. Why do people film rather than break it up?
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SpartyGator82 months
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Mrtommorrow198782 months
Article should read fat cubs fan destroys two pussy millennial brewers fans.
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WaltTeevens82 months
A "huge brawl" hahahahahaha come to Oakland.
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heypaul82 months
It's always the cheap seats.
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