Favorite team:Stanford 
Location:Santa Barbara, CA
Biography:Who cares?
Interests:Bulgarian history, Pinot Noir, and Street Fighter II Turbo
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Number of Posts:11057
Registered on:12/21/2013
Online Status:Not Online

Recent Posts

[quote] That guy is the slimiest politician I have ever seen[/quote] And yet, you will vote for Donald Trump. Trump is "slimy" in every facet. He sells vodka that he himself doesn't drink. He sells shitty steaks. He revels in his own sliminess. He has laborers build gigantic buildings and slaps ...
[quote]I don't disagree with you. I have a Political Science degree and actually love discussing politics, at least in a vacuum. But at this point I try to avoid doing so as much as possible, as the "discussion" is usually just going to be a regurgitation of what the person's favorite talking head h...
Fury/Wilder was the last one with fun entrances, and Wilder blamed his dumb outfit for getting KO'd. ...

re: Was Obama in a cult?

Posted by WaltTeevens on 7/25/24 at 11:48 pm
I love researched, thought out posts like this....
Can one person on the right please admit that they had "Obama Derangement Syndrome"?...
[quote]Great episode but they really tore Pauly down in that one. We always knew what kind of guy Chris was but not Pauly till that episode[/quote] Yeah, Paulie really showed his true colors in this EP. He was ready and willing to two-time anyone. He tried the same shite with New York, giving u...
[quote]You’ve been getting bitch-slapped all day. Go back to the OT. You’re out of your depth here, Donny.[/quote] Calm your tits, "godfather". Unlike your pussy arse I can go into a lions den outnumbered. You just sit here with the rest of your pack, jumping someone like in those videos of peo...
[quote] Why do you deserve my labor?[/quote] Deserve? Nah. I can do my own labor. I'm lucky to have what I have. I have enough to give a little bit more than others to make this country...the USA...a little better for everybody....
Sure , it happens on the left. People on the left fall victim to Dunning-Kruger syndrome It happens on the right, too. You need to be able to look at this shite through multiple lenses. I'm not saying I have it figured out, but the demonization of the left from this board is wild. The posters on h...
[u] JFC... You're a little TDS bitch. So, no one can change political views and become more conservative or more liberal? Like, once you view things through the lens of one political philosophy, earlier in life, you're just stuck. You can't change your mind... or party affiliation? fricking nerd...
[quote]She is a nut job. Too leftist for this country. Do we really want a socialist president?[/quote] Honestly, she ain't left enough to save this country. Bernie was our only hope. Now it's just dog eat dog out here. There's no "rising tide lifts all boats". It's just "I've got mine, frick you....
[quote]Wait until they find out Kamala isn't black.[/quote] She isn't black? She has a Jamaican parent. Y'all need to stop with the "Kamala isn't black" nonsense....
Can't wait to see how many championships the Clippers don't win at this new arena. Team is cooked for at least 3-4 more seasons....
The right loves their reality TV game show hosts and authors, don't they, folks? It's a shame Billy Mays died. He would have been a good running mate....
[quote]Reddit is completely unhinged. Even subreddits that aren’t political have become political. It’s inescapable[/quote] Man, a mirror might do you well. This place is reddit but with the opposite political slant. Just right-wing rhetoric out the arse ...
[quote]So you will support him, groomer?[/quote] See, now this is some abhorrent bullshite. Who have I groomed? The answer is: nobody That is a crazy, unfounded ad hominem attack. You can't just label everyone that disagrees with you as a "groomer" because of their political stances. Don't do t...
[quote] You can't wait to vote for her you absolute retard [/quote] Of course you'll vote for Trump, a lifelong DEMOCRAT that somehow shifted to the right in the twilight of his life. You think Trump cares about anyone but himself? He just wants power and fame and the pussy that comes along with...
DeShaun, you gotta do better, my dude. You don't have to be an orator of the grandest kind, but you have to have more as the face of a bigtime football program. You knew this event was happening. Prepare a little bit. Have some talking points written down on an index card, if you must. The people...
[quote] More pandering. It's amazing that more people don't recognize it for what it is.[/quote] "More pandering"???? Donald Trump was a registered Democrat for DECADES...donated money to Dem campaigns many times. He figured out the way to power was to play into the fears and anger of the ...
Is this supposed to be some kind of amazing "gotcha" clip? It's pretty benign. If they were trying to do some kind of edit where they could make her look bad, they failed. This is nothing....