MLB Umpire Rob Drake Threatens To Buy AR-15, Fight In Civil War If Trump Is Impeached
© Troy Taormina-USA TODAY Sports
ESPN’s Jeff Passan reported that Major League Baseball is looking into a threatening tweet from Tuesday, that has since been deleted, made by umpire Rob Drake...
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Passan had more...

The second tweet, which remains active on Drake's account @thedrake30, says: "You can't do an impeachment inquiry from the basement of Capital Hill without even a vote! What is going on in this country?"

Drake did not return phone and text messages.
Drake, 50, debuted as a major league umpire in 1999. He has worked the 2006 World Baseball Classic, the 2013 All-Star Game, the 2012-13 Wild Card games, the 2010 and ’14 Division Series, and the 2012-13 and ’15 LCS.

(The Big Lead/NBC Sports)
Filed Under: MLB
user avatar
Pianoman64 months
What happened to Freedom of Speech...snowflakes....GO TRUMP....BEST PRESIDENT SINCE GEORGE WASHINGTON.
user avatar
Placebeaux64 months
Rob is based as frick. You go Rob!
user avatar
SamGinn Cam64 months
Based on first pic, headline should've read: 'Papa John Puts on 30lbs in Absence from Spotlight'
user avatar
Thracken1364 months
well i cant look at that picture normally anymore - thanks for that lol
user avatar
lsusteve164 months
Bunch of liberal twats in these comments.
user avatar
NakaTrash64 months
#I’m with Rob
user avatar
reggieray42064 months
There are people dumb enough to actually like trump?
user avatar
mr bunion64 months
Damn right you imbecile. Check your 401k
user avatar
LuzianaFootball64 months
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JustinT3764 months
I mean is he wrong? We are living through history. These career politicians think they OWN us and have gotten filthy rich abusing all of us (Dems and GOP).
user avatar
Ebbandflow64 months
But Trump is actually one of the people that pays for those politicians. He's actually worse. Anybody that thinks that Trump is the answer, given his propensity for pumping up his fragile ego and pleasing himself, isn't being very smart at all. But the Civil War notion is completely moronic. How would you know who to shoot? Would you just be walking around the street with an AR-15 expecting people that disagree with you to be wearing a uniform? The kind of people that would vote for Trump or the kind of people idiotic enough to not think these things through very well
user avatar
LL764 months
He didn’t call for a civil war or that he would start a civil war or even participate in a civil war. He just said that there would be a civil war and that he was buying an AR15.
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DeafVallyBatnR64 months
Where did he say he was starting a Civil War.
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JohnnyU64 months
He dumb! “Cival” (sic). It’s in committee. They can investigate whatever they believe has merit. Like most Trump supporters he doesn’t understand our democracy, our laws or basic civics.
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BACONisMEATcandy64 months
With that logic the exec can investigate whatever they want, right?
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JackieTreehorn64 months
Just found my favorite umpire.
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TampaTiger2264 months
He is a douche like all the ignorant, lawless trump swalloers.
user avatar
Placebeaux64 months
LOL @ TampaTiger22.
user avatar
elcid64 months
TampaTiger22 is apparently a Scialist who thinks we shold fear our govt. He even used the term “rule of law” in reference to an umpire declaring thqat he would buy an Ar-15 (trgger word for leftists like Tampa) and then stating that impeaching the president will cause another civil war. fricking idiot you are Tampa
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elcid64 months
He can say whatever he wants you bunch of leftist liberal pinko commies!
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Peepdip64 months
Yeah our own dumbass president said it too, so why not an umpire?
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TampaTiger2264 months
Lol elcid , that's cute. Just keep trump in your mouth and ignore the rule of law
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elcid64 months
“rule of law” LOL - You Leftist ingnorant goat turd. You are most assuredly a Socialist who thinks we shold fear our govt. You use the term “rule of law” in reference to an umpire declaring that he would buy an Ar-15 (trigger word for leftists like you) and then stating that impeaching the president will cause another civil war. Please go play in traffic
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USEyourCURDS64 months
What are they investigating, Larry?
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RidiculousHype64 months
They’re investigating just how offended the perpetual offended brigade says they are.
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Ebbandflow64 months
Ridiculoushype, I would say a guy talking about Civil War and buying an AR-15 is a little bit more offended than the people you're making fun of. Self-awareness is not a right-wing person's strong suit
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arseinclarse64 months
But that man a beer and some bullets for that ar-15. What’s more American than baseball and guns? frick you pussies who are offended. #maga
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arseinclarse64 months
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TampaTiger2264 months
I hope he comes to my house first. He won't last long.
user avatar
Ebbandflow64 months
Seems like that Empire is more offended. If you're offended enough to threaten Civil War and physical violence that would result in death then you're pretty offended. Let's talk about who the real pussies are
user avatar
grilldaddy64 months
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