Filed Under: LSU Football
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horndog83 months
Don't ever talk and about sharkwhisperer. We want to keep him at Florida as long as possible.
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Nix to Twillie83 months
I think it's hilarious that Florida fans thought just because they beat us on a fluke play at the end last year they somehow turned the tables in this series. LSU owns Florida in the post Tebow era and will continue to. Sucks to suck, Gators.
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DeplorableTigerFan83 months
Be careful of what you say FL, just may come back and chomp ya. Go Tigers (In my best Coach O voice)
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Vernonbrew2283 months
Let that guy throw a few pitches for baseball or is that a no geaux because of his contract? Likely so
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Nole Man83 months
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Doormat83 months
McIlweasle is as overrated a coach as is his team this year. I am not surprised with the Tigers' win. Auburn game this week will be a much tougher test in Baton Rouge.
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Walt OReilly83 months
frick yes zach Love it. Hell of punt late in the 4th
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STRIPES83 months
Ole Beaver Tooth is a smartass and Gator tears taste sweet.
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Gumbo183 months
frick yea! Beating UF is not a big deal to me but making Shark Humper eat his words is sweet. GEAUX TIGERS!!!
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Vernonbrew2283 months
UF coach is such a prick. They seem to only hire pricks
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Corch Urban Myers83 months
Not always.
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Vernonbrew2283 months
I eat my words. coach Mac was very humble in the postgame interviews
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Corch Urban Myers83 months
Ron Zook was a pretty nice guy, relatively speaking.
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MasonTiger83 months
Lol, rub it in that aholes face. Love it.
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tigerbutt83 months
Since it seems to be the thing to say lately, "Thanks for having us down for homecoming"
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ElroyJetSon83 months
frick the gators
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Big Sway83 months
frick Florida!
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udtiger83 months
Looks like Joseph Gordon Levitt
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Lexman183 months
I love it! Our millionaire punter with some Brad Wing swag! And he played pretty well today too.
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Just_Fight_Baby83 months
You guys fought like Tigers tonight!
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BigPerm3083 months
With all the money that shark fricker makes, you think he could get some teeth whitening.
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TampaTiger2283 months
Ahhh that shark video is great. Should be posted on TD every month
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mtemplet83 months
Shark video? Please share
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Lake Vegas Tiger83 months
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Spankem83 months
Eat that Florida!
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Dead End83 months
frick yeah.
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