Filed Under: LSU Football
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Vernonbrew2248 months
It sure was nice to see a real NCAA game last night. These athletes are ready to get down Charlie Brown. Hutt
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Havoc49 months
Forcibly injecting politics (something we all hate) into sports (something we all love) is a losing strategy, ESPECIALLY now days when people are facing the possibility of having to do without sports and maybe, gradually, realizing that devoting so much time, emotional energy and money into watching a bunch of guys play with a ball isn’t such a high endeavor after all. WAKE THE F UP.
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IH8ThreePutts49 months
Those boys been watching too much CNN/MSNBC etc and following Social Media... what a shame.
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SuckFickNaban49 months
Makes me sad to see how threatened and hostile so many of my fellow tiger fans are. Im sure all of you old timers voted for david duke
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GeauxLSUGeaux49 months
And you support a violent cop assaulting sex offender.
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Flashback49 months
I didnt vote for David Duke and I'm not a BLM supporter. Just b/c you dont support an extremist on one side of the spectrum doesnt mean you have to support another extremist on the opposite spectrum...derp.
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OU81249 months
When the other option was Edwin Edwards, it was a easy choice! We stayed home. Old timers? At least we remember a time when this country was in a much better place. We are trying to get back there but this Marxist BLM garbage isn't helping it!
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Lawricks3349 months
Good job young men. Way to show the so called "adults" how to stand up for what's right. Many will still ignore the obvious segregation and racism that still exists. Others will be educated and at the very least question why the number of black people killed and incarcerated is 10x higher than anyone else. When they ask that question some change can and will come from that. Geaux Tigers!
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Flashback49 months
Dont commit the crime and u wont do the crime. more cops are killed by blacks than vice versa' byw.
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ole man49 months
NOBODY talks about Blacks killing blacks. only white Cops killing blacks.are Blacks killing whites, If you get stopped by the cops DON'T RESIST and you wont die it's pretty simple, but some don't comprehend that,I call that STUPID!!!!. Blacks marched for INTEGRATION in the 60's... now they want segregation, There is NO WHITE PRIVILEGE anymore it's more Black PRIVILEGE pushed by the liberal media and liberal Democrats GOD gave us a brain, but some refuse to use it
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selfgen48 months
What can a white person like myself do that will help black people stop killing one another?
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homeless149 months
If it wasn't for racism,we wouldn't need the civil rights act.the same thing goes for affirmative action.white women benefit more from these act because of the evil and hate in the hearts and minds of white boys
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Fat Bastard49 months
keep making excuses for your unaccountable and irresponsible life. asian make way more than whites. but MUH WHITE privilege! black immigrants are doing fine here which disproves systemic racism. civil rights was 60 years ago. stop making excuses. if you chose to stay on LBJ's democrat plantation that is your fault! 53% of murders are done by blacks. 77% fatherless rate. ONLY you can fix your issues! FIX THEM and stop making excuses.
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Flashback49 months
You're a pos clown.
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Flashback49 months
The sexual predator registry in my area is 75% black so go suck on a d!ck with your lies. I bet u have at least one felony on record. I just know it.
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Tiger4life580349 months
Wonder how many players are going to test positive for COVID because of that march
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Is anyone really surprised that our athletes aren’t any smarter than everybody else’s athletes? This whole thing isn’t a “movement”... it’s a Marxist LIE!!! Once again Democrats are pulling the puppet strings on our minorities and young people and making them dance to whatever tune the Dems want. Makes me want to throw up...
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SuckFickNaban49 months
Someone is upset and scared..
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GeauxLSUGeaux49 months
Fight to change what, exactly Jacoby? The fatherless rate in the black household? The violent crime rate in the black community? Especially against other blacks? The millions of black lives lost due to abortions in the U.S.? What kind of injustice are you really upset about? A perceived victimization brought about by years of indoctrination? I say to that, horseshite. Cops are 18x more likely to get killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to get killed by a cop. White peoples are 10x more likely to get killed by a black person than the other way around. And the only legalized form of racism in the United States is against Whites and Asians due to affirmative action.
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homeless149 months
where were the fathers when the white boy scout leaders and white catholic priests were raping the little white boy scouts and little white alter boys.where was the father when 90% white people was committing incest and pedophilia,never mind that was the father
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GeauxLSUGeaux49 months
Homeless1 you’re a dumbass if you think a few boy scouts and alter boys getting diddled by, frankly, pedophile democrats compare to 70% fatherless household for blacks and 50% of violent crime committed by 6% of the population then I have some oceanfront property in Kansas I’d like to sell you!
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homeless149 months
check the sex offender list in your city 95% white boys,what happen to their father.when 85% white women is assaulted by white boys,where was the father in their lives.people that think like you are coward with hate in your heart and mind.don't blame it on religion or politics
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LSU82Cajun49 months
If they follow the rules of BLM( I won’t spell out the whole name because that organization is a complete lie- it is basically a violent Marxist organization who really doesn’t care one iota for any real black lives) I will not support these athletes at all. They are being used as puppets like all athletes who are living in a bubble . Especially Joe Burrow who is in this bubble . [Burrow is going along with the choir. He’ll lose fans along the way and alumni. Defending a felon who possessed a weapon. Turning on police and Americans.Athletes are in a bubble where they only listen to one side of the story. They ( and Barrow) will listen to Antifa and BLM which are both Marxist organizers who don’t give a flip about real black people and only want to destroy our country. Or Lebron James who is King of the Bubble and will never wear Jordan’s greatness. He is a divider. And the Athletes and Joe will probably also listen to Ryan Tannehill an idiot jock and another Bubble patriot. These athletes and Joe don’t know are care about those who thousands of small businesses owners who lost everything and the thousands of regular hard working people who lost jobs because of fires and riots or who were beaten or killed. Joe thanks for last year but you’re losing your luster with fans and alumni fast. ] Finally like Joe if these athletes to are for a violent overthrow of America then as a alumni and a life long fan of LSU football I’m
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Cajunboy4649 months
What a joke
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LSUballs49 months
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Vernonbrew2248 months
I absolutely love Tiger Droppings. Some of the best ideas are posted, not that I agree with them all. If we lose a few more players to the NLM movement so be it Just please beat Bama in this decade
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