Last week, everyone but Joel Klatt at Fox Sports was picking LSU to win the National Championship with Klatt picking Ohio State to win it all.

This week, Urban Meyer and Matt Leinart have switched their picks from LSU to Ohio State.

Brady Quinn, Reggie Bush, and Rob Stone are sticking with the Tigers.

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No. 1 LSU takes on Arkansas this Saturday at Tiger Stadium at 6 p.m. CT on ESPN.
Filed Under: LSU Football
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BooBooMeister58 months
Let's remember, opinions are like anus's; everybody has ...........
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JYD58 months
So 4/6 think we lose to UGA in SECG it appears.
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DonJuanDaMiles58 months
How did you come to that conclusion when 3 out of 6 have us winning the national championship?
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lsuson58 months
Don, it is because in order for Georgia to make the playoff, they would have to beat us in the SEC championship. We should get in no matter what unless Georgia somehow beat us bad. I see LSU by 2 scores.
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LouisianaLonghorn58 months
Yep. It's interesting that suddenly more and more media personalities are saying we will lose the SECCG. I hope that Aranda and his players are taking note, because the sudden shift is all on them.
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Bandits5858 months
can u blame them,our defense is horrible.
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BayouTiga58 months
Less Love for LSU......GREAT NEWS as these players can read #MOTIVATION
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southsidedell58 months
Paying attention DEFENSE?
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Dixierebel58 months
I can't wait till Penn State beats OSU this week.
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airbornetiger58 months
That opens the door for Alabama to back in to the Final 4.
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southsidedell58 months
There aint no way IN HELL PSU is beating OSU.
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RazzleDazzle58 months
Urban Meyers is just trying to stay out of jail.
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lsutigermall58 months
Solid defensive play the next two weekend will change the narrative again. Who can blame them?
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CDawson58 months
12-0 is all that matters. This never ending defensive talk it nonsense. Our defense has performed awesome when it counts.
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southsidedell58 months
Defense gets like 3 stops a game. Against bums. Clemson and OSU aren't bums. And they actually have a defense. Defense is going to be the reason we win or lose a NC chance. Either they get better and we win it or they don't and get curb stomped like Alabama did last year.
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reauxl tigers58 months
Urban had LSU before the Ole Miss game
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KCT58 months
How in the Hell is Oregon going to become the #1 seed?
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KCT58 months
Never mind.
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Placebeaux58 months
Ooooooo now they have drama to hype up.
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Shiftyplus158 months
Urban Myer is a giant.
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LSUcdro58 months
Joel Klatt has been a hater since day one of this seasons success... He is fully committed to die on the LSU isn't good hill
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brewhan davey58 months
At least he's consistent
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Sluuuu58 months
Watch his latest piece. He's committed to die on the "defense will let us down" hill. He's a big fan of our offense.
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DLClark111458 months
I’ve always loved Reggie
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HueyP58 months
Reggie is incredibly pro Coach O.
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Lsu10120558 months
So I'm confused do 4 of the 6 think we lose to uga? Or are they putting a 2 loss uga team in?
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RightWingTiger58 months
For them to have UGA in the CFP 4 they have to win the SECCG. A 2 loss team isn't jumping Bama/PAC-12 Champ or a 1 loss Oklahoma. What's even more hilarious is that 3 of the 4 that have LSU winning it all also think that LSU will lose to Georgia in the SECCG? I mean what the fudge???
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hottub58 months
Even though LSU will have to travel farther for the Semi game, losing to UGA benefits them, IMO.
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SofaKingTrill58 months
They are ranking the 4 best teams as of week 13. They aren't saying that LSU will win the national championship and lose to UGA.
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