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re: Mark Cuban gets ratioed in his own poll

Posted by JYD on 7/24/24 at 10:51 pm
Still holding at 67-33%! Hahaha!...
Summer jobs for a bunch a college nitwits....

re: Best Trump Meme To Date

Posted by JYD on 7/24/24 at 10:04 pm
He was a pioneer for sure!...

Best Trump Meme To Date

Posted by JYD on 7/24/24 at 10:01 pm
:lol: :usa: [embed]https://youtu.be/NI44LGdXQsI?si=CX7NYn1k1GRotqMu[/embed]...
is likely the guy in the photo on the roof. I posted this in the anchored thread, but this seems pretty legit theory if you watch their latest video. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/live/c5HlAXTtwgg?si=A6M40j14M7Z-7xi2[/embed] Items that are covered in the video: 1. Dead guy on roof looks li...
Juhn Cullen & Jason Goodman seem to come to the same conclusion on there latest video. A few points that are covered: 1. Dead guy on roof looks like photos of Yearick. 2. Mole on dead guy and Yearick seem to match up. Obviously no big deal. 3. Dead guy either has blood on his ear [i]or[/i] a ...
[quote]You must be joking. After all the crap Trump did to steal the election from Biden with fake alternative electors and the J6 attempt to stop the certification of the 2020 election results; and the vacuous lies he spread about ficticious election fraud- nothing comes close to comparing to that...
Kinda poetic that Biden repeatedly shamed those of us who chose not to get vaxed including myself, even though my employer gave us a mandate, and caused many to choose between the jab or their job/livelihood is going to get taken out by…….COVID. After likely having 6-7 boosters to boot! I’m not w...

re: "Go back to guarding Doritos"

Posted by JYD on 7/22/24 at 11:47 am
Him and Nancy Mase definitely brought it! Can't wait for MTG's turn!...
All they need to see to not vote KH is the video of Tulsi G. raking her over the coals about incarcerating people for smoking weed....
I agree! Wow! I’m not shocked at all by 2 shooters, but 3? This is some Tom Clancy like shite we are watching!...
[quote]bullshite. Trump starts to reach for his ear before the second shot is fired.[/quote] Did you watch the video? The first 2 shots were basically simultaneous and came from 2 different directions. He breaks this down in great detail. ...

re: Are you ready for 4 years of this?

Posted by JYD on 7/21/24 at 6:13 pm
And this: [embed]https://x.com/rncresearch/status/1736468129528602811?s=46&t=phJqhDRC6Sv7_ExUcOP_TQ[/embed] ...
I’d bet on Buttigieg....
[quote]Wasn't this in The God Father I, in the end?[/quote] Not sure, but this guy tells that it was played at the end of ‘The Sum of All Fears’. I don’t remember the plot of that movie because I only watched it one time and haven’t seen it in years. Here’s a more in depth video talking about ...
[quote]At dawn, I will win! I will win! I will win![/quote] Trump is the best troll of all time!...
SIAP I came across this over on the Twitter machine. I thought playing an opera song was odd considering the music all week had been cover songs from the 70s-80s. This guy gives an explanation on why it was played. It turns out Trump likely selected it on purpose to troll the Democrats and De...

re: Biden will NOT Drop Out…

Posted by JYD on 7/20/24 at 8:23 pm
He has my support! ...

re: Biden pissed

Posted by JYD on 7/19/24 at 6:55 pm
Stand your ground, Joe! 81,000,000 American voters have your back!...
[quote]Please post photo, I’m not giving cnn a click[/quote] Shes far from something to write home about. ...