Timothy T. Ludwig-USA TODAY Sports
New England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski has been suspended for one game for his late hit against former LSU and current Buffalo Bills cornerback Tre'Davious White on Sunday.

NFL vice president of football operations Jon Runyan notified Gronkowski about the suspension with a letter on Monday. Per Yahoo:

“Your actions were not incidental, could have been avoided and placed the opposing player at risk of serious injury. The Competition Committee has clearly expressed its goal of ‘eliminating flagrant hits that have no place in our game.’ Those hits include the play you were involved in (Sunday).”

The play in question took place late in Sunday’s 23-3 Patriots victory at New Era Field. White intercepted a pass intended for Gronkowski, and the tight end, believing he’d been interfered with, delivered an elbow to the back of White’s head. Gronkowski was penalized for unnecessary roughness but was not ejected.

The Bills later announced White had entered concussion protocol.
Gronkowski will likely appeal the suspension, according to Ian Rapoport.

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labileshow83 months
A failed appeal should include an extra game suspension like they do in European soccer.
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TigerEyez83 months
rule change recommendation: In a case like this where a player is suspended a unnecessary/ dirty hit - Guilty Player (gronk) should have to the game write a check of game missed to the victim player (tre white) . You are ruining his livelihood so at least compensate financially
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ByUselves83 months
He deserves to be fined heavily & suspended for rest of season for the FLAGRANT cheap shot.
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bamagreycoat83 months
I just heard on Golic & Wingo that Gronk will indeed appeal his one game suspension and I can't believe he's appealing. Gronk should be very happy it's only one game and he should mail White and White's family a big Christmas gift certificate. Gronk could have seriously hurt white.
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TigerSpray83 months
what's the nfl?
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75503Tiger83 months
frick the National fricking Liars. A whole lot of bullshite lip service about making the game safer then they allow this idiot to finish the season. I will not be tuning in anymore. Dont care if the Saints play the Cowboys in the NFC championship and the Texans represent the AFC in the Superbowl against the winner. I am done with the National fricking Liars
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CharlesLSU83 months
Bills and Pats play on a few weeks. Some Bills players made it known they will remember this then........that’ll be fun to see
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Lexman183 months
First off, I hope Tre’ is alright. Second, I like the Patriots(outside of the Saints), but Gronkowski has always been a complete idiot. Listen to his interviews and the things he does away from football. He’s just stupid. Maybe even mentally challenged. The hit on White was completely malicious, as he even took time to get his feet set to deliver a blow with maximum force. He should have been ejected immediately for targeting as Tre’ was about as defenseless as you can get. He should also be suspended several games, imo.
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Tiger33783 months
Correct... SEVERAL games!!
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saint tiger22583 months
“Your actions were not incidental, could have been avoided and placed the opposing player at risk of serious injury. The Competition Committee has clearly expressed its goal of ‘eliminating flagrant hits that have no place in our game.’ Those hits include the play you were involved in (Sunday).”..... Yet, we're only going to suspend you one game. Anyone who thinks the NFL really cares is full of shite. And that includes other incidents too. If they really cared, they'd get more serious about the penalties. They don't need to change the game like they have been, besides intentional hits to the head. They need to get more serious on those and stupid shite like Gronk did.
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Lsu10120583 months
Why is something like this even allowed to be appealed?
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bamagreycoat83 months
That is one of the dirtiest moves I've seen in the NFL in a long time. That silly pollock could have really hurt White very bad while White was face down, defenseless on the ground. Gronk should have gotten his vengeance in between the whistles. Gronk should be suspended for sure.
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TigerOnThe Hill83 months
"Gronk should have gotten his vengeance in between the whistles. " Huhhh???? What did T. White do that deserved anyone's "vengeance"?? White made a good play on the ball (admittedly he might've gotten away w/ holding, but who knows w/ today's inconsistent calls in the NFL) and you think that instead of delivering a cheap shot that's potentially dangerous, Gronk should've instead waited and done something "in between the whistles"? That's crazy. There's no justification for any revenge by Gronk. They should make a new rule in the NFL. If you maliciously injure a player (like Gronk did) you should be suspended as many games (and be fined on a per game basis) as the victim misses PLUS 1-2 extra games, depending on the circumstances of the offense. That would stop cheap shots like this really quick. Plus the "appeal" should be finished w/ in a few days after the act. How can the NFL Player's Association support an appeals process for this type of malicious act?
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bamagreycoat83 months
@TigerOnTheHill, I'm sorry I didn't mean to imply that White did anything wrong because you're absolutely correct White made a good play. I only meant that Groningen should have stayed within the rules of the game to get his "comeuppance" on White. Like square up for a legal block or lower his shoulder for a legal hit. What Grimm did was 100% chicken excrement for sure. My bad TOTH, I misspoke.
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jrowla283 months
Wtf is wrong with Gronk? He knows he fricked up and is still going to appeal? Just take your light punishment dickhead.
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Commando83 months
Freaking punk should have been suspended the rest of the season.
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SamuelClemens83 months
Wow that was messed up
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GoRuckTiger83 months
Gronk basically did what the Saints were accused of doing during the Bounty Gate fiasco and only gets a one game suspension? The NFL is a joke when it comes to hanging out fines and suspensions. Do they even have guidelines?
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Lexman183 months
Yes. Unfortunately, it’s what Dictator Goodell wants it to be. Way too much power for this guy.
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lsubuddy83 months
Never really cared for him :now I definitely can't stand his punk a**. Tre White' 3 p###y teammates that were right there and did nothing should be ashamed of themselves. Grok should be done for the year and should be fined the years salary knowing what problems can come in the future from concussions. I might feel a lil different if something, anything at all was done that was deserving of retaliation.
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Tiger33783 months
I said same about those punk teammates.
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TigerJeff83 months
Not enough. Should've been suspended the rest of the season, including playoffs. Thug POS.
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William G83 months
Jesus that was bad, Frick Gronk after that. No reason for that.
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olgoi khorkhoi83 months
That seems like assault. White should sue.
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Jwils83 months
Hate crime!
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PRIMO3083 months
You don’t have to serve a 1 game suspension. Just let T. White give you a concussion with a baseball bat, and your good.
user avatar
Trout Bandit83 months
It wouldn’t make a difference with Gronk
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