© Chuck Cook-USA TODAY Sports
Former Saints quarterback and Purdue alum Drew Brees has been hired as an interim assistant coach for the Boilermakers in the Citrus Bowl vs. LSU, according to Ross Dellenger with SI.

Brees will be allowed coach the team in practice and in the game on Jan. 2, as well as recruit.

Purdue made the report official:

Purdue Football will have a familiar face assisting the program during bowl preparations this month, as former Boilermaker quarterback Drew Brees will serve as an assistant coach, it was announced on Thursday, Dec. 15, by vice president and director of athletics Mike Bobinski.

Fresh off his exemplary 20-year NFL career (2001-20), Brees will relocate to West Lafayette during the coaching transition to lend his knowledge, acumen and experiences to the squad of current Boilers. Hired as a countable assistant coach per NCAA guidelines, Brees will have the ability to work on-field with student-athletes and participate in recruiting activities.

"Purdue University is fortunate to have alumni who are impactful leaders in industries and careers across a wide spectrum, including professional football," said Bobinski. "For more than two decades, Drew Brees has shown the world what makes the Boilermakers special. He was an elite football player, but most of all, Drew is an extraordinary leader. Gaining his insights on the football field and in our coaching offices during this time of transition will be of great value to our student-athletes and staff. We're grateful to Drew for his willingness to share his time and expertise in yet another show of support for the Boilermakers."
Filed Under: LSU Football
user avatar
tigerbite226 months
Once a boiler-maker, always a boiler-maker, right??? This is NOT Green energy?? How does this affect Alabama??
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JawjaTigah26 months
Dead to me. Don’t care no mo’
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Westbank11126 months
Maybe he can virtue signal even more, frick Brees

Tiger Bait!
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blackjackjackson26 months
i live in indiana part time. ALL of the Indiana citizens love Brees with a Passion. He is an all time hero of Indiana and especially Perdue. They even cheered my New Orleans Saints just after the Saints beat their Colts.

That Texas is as important to Indiana as Burrow is to LSU!


P.S. His Purdue time is legendary!
user avatar
Bayou26 months
Will Purdue care about Brees' knees?
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CajunBullet26 months
I wonder if Drew "The Knees" Brees will lower his standards again and take a knee during the presentation of the American Flag and National Anthem?
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PMacsBackup26 months
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Tiger in Texas26 months
Wonder if Purdue QB will now re-consider staying for Bowl game?
user avatar
BobABooey26 months
Everyone’s favorite astronaut - Kneel Armweak
user avatar
BobABooey26 months
Should’ve gone with Kneel Armgone in hindsight.
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Lsutigerturner26 months
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JackieTreehorn26 months
OK everybody get in here and take a knee. My job is done.
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jbird726 months
Practice day 1: how to put a rapists name on your helmet.

Lol jk. Sorry couldn’t resist.
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Nix to Twillie26 months
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jbird726 months
Relax Francis it’s a joke. Grow a sense of humor.
user avatar
Nix to Twillie26 months
I'll laugh when you move on.
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momentoftruth8726 months
That’s cool. Him at Purdue are some of my earliest memories in football
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Poboytom26 months
It's always the same old insults with some of you idiots. You will never understand what makes people do what they do. It's his alma mater, his choice and he really doesn't give a shite what you think you morons.
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Nix to Twillie26 months
They think they’re the good guys in all this. They’re pussies.
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toratiger26 months
I hope he is more loyal to Purdue as he was to his grandfathers.
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Luckydog26 months
Great move for him and game
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cajunmud26 months
That's interesting...more folks might watch then.
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Deplorable Duke26 months

Anything for attention
user avatar
Solo Cam26 months
Bitch will probably kneel again
user avatar
intellligent26 months
Rent free
user avatar
Nix to Twillie26 months
You’ll be saying this on your deathbed. Says more about you than about Drew.
user avatar
cajunmud26 months
For Best Results: Stand for something & against nothing.
user avatar
tigerfoot26 months
Respectfully, this pr stunt should be beneath Brees.

A hall of fame QB will not clear things up for Purdues back up

Like a college math professor teaching 3rd graders
user avatar
DotBling26 months
Did you miss him plastering the name of a BLM rapist on his helmet to show how much he loves the cultcha???
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