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Location:Armpit of America
Biography:Ex-football coach
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Registered on:9/14/2013
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it goes past Nixon and FDR to Woodrow Wilson in 1913 signing the Federal Reserve Act, that’s when the USA was officially sold to the Globalist! That POS signed it on DC’s House/Senate Christmas Break & that’s when it all Began! then Wilson on his deathbed admits that his biggest mistake was signi...
“Isisa”, you ask what’s the point of this article and post???? And then you throw BS smoke at Trumps family for being a draft dodger, WOW, you’re an IDIOT! this board seems to be bringing more and more idiots by the day! the “point of it” is that it seems almost every other day we are al...
Where has playing the “political talk game” gotten us? it’s time to take the gloves off, grow a pair! everyone wants these smooth talking passive politics and beating around the bush, we need to come front and center for a change, quit being a pansy!...
they are all Con-Artist, fast talking used car salesman, La. is a Banana Republic....

re: Facts are stubborn things

Posted by Westbank111 on 7/25/24 at 5:56 pm
Thanks for sharing real facts Clientnumber9 VOR is a top level imbecile on this board, whatever he/she/tranny/pedo or whatever VOR, VOR is a candidate for the biggest clown show award on TD. Hey Moron/VOR, NAME one (JUST ONE) instance of the type of Horrific Crimes, Beatings, Rapes, Skull ...

re: Can't call Cackles a DEI hire

Posted by Westbank111 on 7/23/24 at 3:03 pm
i’d rather say the truth. she’s a whore lawyer who slept her way to the top & took many bribes along the way to sell her own country out. is that better than this little pansy a$$ race mongering?...
i remember when her biggest task and chore that Dementia Joe appointed her to was “THE BORDER” she did such a great job!!! that’s all DJT should do is pair her up with the border & paint the picture of what she would do with the entire country. FRICK THAT B!$tch...

re: DJT from truth social

Posted by Westbank111 on 7/21/24 at 7:09 pm
and your a fricking idiot, post less moron!...
i called this 3 years ago on TD post several times that Michael will be their next candidate, and he/she will run the most racially divisive campaign in the history of mankind. this is about to be the the most pivotal point in all of our lives. we lose this election thru them stealing it for that...
she slept her way to the top politically, i think she caused a divorce and several men problems. she’s a scumbag attorney that acted like a slut to gain her power. so much alike DJT, year right a-hole! you as dumb as anyone on this board to make a comparison. do your research on her or don...
it’s well known that the ATF is the “#1 cleaners & dirty workers” for the Deep State. they are the ones that hired the MS13 gang members that killed Seth Rich “the guy that got robbed in DC and they left his Rolex on his are and money in his wallet” (the guy that went rogue from Killaries DNC and...
it certainly has changed the dynamics and political landscape, i feel it has done good for our side for sure! I never did hold back on my outgoing political standpoint because i enjoy breaking them down to where they feel retarded or will tone it down around me! i’ve always spoken my mind with...
i am in Colombia now, come here very often, i would move here in a heartbeat. have been to Medillin, Cali, Cartagena, Lake Calima, Sorento, Quindio coffee plantation region, Filandia, Peria, Santa Marta / Bahia and several other smaller towns. Colombia is pound for pound my favorite country, c...
he will die of covid or dementia if they can’t make it legal in AOC’s legal concerns. they’ll stop at nothing!!!! these are the same people that push Pedophelia, Tranny-Movement, open borders, lawless society, welfare state etc…. they will kill that senile POS if they have to...

re: Zelenskyy called Trump today…

Posted by Westbank111 on 7/19/24 at 8:18 pm
and your worse than an idiot on steroids, unless you are being sarcastic, your one of the biggest village idiots on this platform! post less ...
11 of 13 are total idiots & the 2 that aren’t 2 complete idiots are close to it! if your undecided in todays political world, your a complete MORON & should not be able to vote!...
it won’t be Harris! it will be at the convention & it will be fixed and already decided that Michael is nominated in his hometown of Chicago! these evil bastards are so predictable, Harris is as electable as a 3-legged donkey! ...
Michael is the Answer & there will be an infatuation with that SheMan from the Media that we’ve never seen before!...
his entire family to be pardoned, Yuge Payout & guarantee of no jail time for his sick evil POS Son! GOLDEN PARACHUTE. UNLIMITED DIAPERS & ICE CREAM! He & Hussein are worst presidents in Histroy & it’s not even close! they set us back MANY DECADES, But also helped wake up many sheep!...

re: Latest CBS poll, Trump +5%.

Posted by Westbank111 on 7/18/24 at 6:17 pm
up 5% in this poll MEANS UP by 20% EASILY!...