Filed Under: LSU Football
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LSUvet7212 months
The Badger is GOAT.
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Simplemaaan12 months
Dude in the back has same shirt
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Jwils12 months
Bring back DBU!
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Datbayoubengal12 months
When he retires I want him to be our DB Coach. I know he has to finish his degree before that, but let's get it done.
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Grim12 months
I could 100% see him doing that
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CrawfishElvis12 months
Time to come back home, coach.
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Davy12 months
He’s gonna coach for us one day.
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Rebel12 months
A true ambassador for LSU.
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BK78512 months
C'mon and retire TM7 and come be LSU's DBs coach and recruiter.
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FLObserver12 months
I have never wanted an ex LSU player to retire so quickly. This is the guy we need recruiting and teaching our Db's how to play DB.
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THE GOAT 4EVER12 months
The honey badger is a total class act and such a great person.
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BayouFann12 months
Cool and all but dude is trash on the field!!!!
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1 Call12 months
@BayouFann Did your parents not teach you, the rules of when you can't say something nice?
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RightWingTiger12 months
Thats just rude. You don’t hear the HB talking about how bad you are at your job - BLOWING him!!!
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Hoosyadaddy12 months
TM is a damn good man..
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eetiger12 months
That's our future recruiting coordinator!
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Boyntonbeach Tiger12 months
Agree. Greg Brooks as well
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UncleLester12 months
Honey Badger means so much to the state of Louisiana!
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