Brad Penner-USA TODAY Sports
When you make the kind of plays that Odell Beckham Jr. did on Monday Night Football vs. the Jets, then you can wear whatever you want during pregame warmups.

Like this $2.02 Million Richard Mille, only-10-in-the-world watch...

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Beckham Jr. finished the game with 6 receptions for 161 yards and 1 touchdown in Monday Night's 23-3 win over Jets. He also made this spectacular one-handed catch:

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Filed Under: LSU Football
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sml7160 months
Only timepiece that belongs on the field is the game clock. Is he so bored that he needs to check the time while he’s out there?
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tigerpawl60 months
The headline should read: "Richard Mille paying Odell Beckham Jr. $2.02 million to wear $2.02 million watch.
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tigerfan09171160 months
some of yall are some idiots lol most of yall dont have millions. an yall spend yalls money on stupid stuff now so stfu already geez
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225Tyga60 months
He doesnt have enough money to buy a 2+ million dollar watch. Bogus move on his part :/
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SoFresh60 months
either renting it or the company paid him to wear it
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StupidBinder60 months
Dude’s has $65 million in guaranteed money. Not counting endorsements. *Assuminng* meh paid for the watch, I’m sure he’ll be all right without your financial advice.
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GoRuckTiger60 months
I know we love our Tigers but OBJ sure is making it difficult.
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Datbayoubengal60 months
Y'all this is free advertising. Beckham wouldn't wear a 2 million dollar watch playing football (and probably wouldn't even buy a 2 mill watch).
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Datbayoubengal60 months
Excuse me not free, but paid advertising.
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BowDownToLSU60 months
You’re wrong. It’s been reported that it wasn’t advertising
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Tigers4Lyfe60 months
Why do we care, because he's an arrogant prick saying look at me. Why else would you need to wear a watch on a football field. Even a .99 Mickey Mouse watch.
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cwil17760 months
More money than sense.
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jimbeam60 months
Oh yeah well mine costs $0.02M so take that.
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IamMatt60 months
Your watch cost you $20,000???
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YipSkiddlyDooo60 months
The watch experts say it was a fake...
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radicalizedtigah60 months
What an arrogant dummy.
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lsu tigerdog60 months
looks like an expensive swatch watch lol
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Mike da Tigah60 months
It’s all fleeting... and if you don’t manage that money correctly it will be gone shortly after retirement like the predicament so so so many others found themselves in after winning the lottery or having quick riches and success. I hope OBJ doesn’t fall into that group.
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Solo Cam60 months
Lol at all the morons that think he bought that watch
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pellietigersaint60 months
people really are dumb
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Napoleon60 months
Exactly. Free advertising for his jeweler same as rappers back in the day.
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TigerFanFromBama60 months
Tigerdroppings weekly OBJ post followed by a bunch of so called LSU fans hating on a former tiger in the comment section.
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KCT60 months
Yeah, but that's only because he's full of shite.
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BiggDogg5360 months
So, we are no longer tiger fans if we say anything that YOU dont agree with... STFU.
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TigerFanFromBama60 months
I never worried about what another man decides to do with his money... But do whatever makes you sleep better BiggDogg.
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TigerFanFromBama60 months
Tigerdroppings weekly OBJ post followed by a bunch of so called LSU fans hating on a former tiger in the comment section.
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TepperDaGuru60 months
Probably not even set to the right time.
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justustm260 months
Why would that be? What are you getting at?
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LSShoe103060 months
he probably doesn't own the watch, its all marketing
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LSU31660 months
You don't market something that only 10 were made I agree he probably doesn't own it...he is probably being paid to wear it by the owner so the value will go up...that would be my guess.
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lsutigermall60 months
To me, when game time gets closer, it means he probably has to have to have a whole process to secure the watch. Can you imagine coaching these guys who have their own agenda's prior to game time? It would drive me crazy.
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justustm260 months
Well you don't have to worry. You'll never have to deal with that type situation. OBJ does his job. The have nots are always worried about what the haves are doing. Get a life.
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EasterEgg60 months
Yikes. I know he got seriously paid, but that's about 3% of his pre-tax guaranteed money. I would think the other nine owners of this watch are all billionaires or fellow athletes.
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