The LSU Football Equipment staff tweeted out a pictures on Thursday of some cleats and gloves that the team will be wearing against Texas Tech in the Texas Bowl on December 29th.

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Here is a look at the Texas Bowl patches that will be on LSU and Texas Tech jerseys for the game:

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Filed Under: LSU Football
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genuineLSUtiger110 months
Bama is laughing at us right about now.
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Red Stick Tigress110 months
I like the cleats.
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Mouche337110 months
It's a pair of cleats and some gloves. Nothing to get excited or worked up about. I'll get excited and worked up when the game starts.
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81Tiger110 months
NEW cleats and gloves...but the same

OLD offensive coaching scheme

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no batman and robin?
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11thACR110 months
Cute....really Cute
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djangochained110 months
Trolling this section of TD Walt?
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Mr. Hangover110 months
Go frick yourself Walt... How can you knock the bowl LSU is playing in when you CLEARLY clicked on this thread to see what we were unveiling
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Walt OReilly110 months
Lol @ LSU playing in Texas bowl. How the mighty have fallen. You fans have fun in Houston
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OzChuffnugg110 months
Damn even around Christmas we have some miserable people. Poor waka flocka so sad and angry. I think those cleats are awesome!
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Ragin' Tiger110 months
No reason to be a dick, Flocka.
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Hester Carries110 months
cant wait to see what thigh pads they go with!!
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Flocka Tiger110 months
Happy we get to unveil those for our HUGE bowl game.
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