Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
LSU head coach Ed Orgeron was on the SEC Championship teleconference Sunday night and was asked how they will handle other schools trying to hire away assistant coaches from the staff, specifically first-year passing coordinator Joe Brady...

Q. When you were on staffs that were playing for championships and the like as an assistant coach and you were up for jobs, what is your policy to assistants that might be getting interest now -- I'm not only talking about Brady -- as your postseason goes on.

ED ORGERON: Obviously, when you have great assistants, people are going to come after, and obviously, we're going to do everything we can to fight for the guys that we want to stay. Now, if a guy has a head job that's something that we can't match, that's something he really wants, we have to let him go. But for Joe, we're going to fight to keep him here as much as we can. We've had some preliminary conversations with him, and everything seems positive right now.
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Filed Under: LSU Football
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JCinBAMA58 months
and everything ?seems? positive right now. Seems he's gone
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TaderSalad58 months
JB - OC Ensfinger - Co-OC/Analyst
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BigPerm3058 months
O better pay the man. O’s job depends on it. We’ve seen his offenses without Joe.
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dellis33758 months
I think him and slinger swithch seats next season.
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bucknut58 months
I'm hearing Texas is willing to offer him Assistant coach/Offensive Cordinator and 2.3 million a year with huge incentives.
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glorymanutdtiger58 months
So Texas hired a so called offensive genius that has accepted that he needs someone to help him. Them hiring Joe Brady only means that Herman is not a offensive genius. Why do you need Herman then?
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JohnnyU58 months
Herman is on shaky ground so there’s not a lot of security in going to UT.
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dustytiger12358 months
Lets not forget, that LSU has been the machine that has given Brady the credit that has been given.. THEY COULD HAVE EASILY SAID IT WAS ENSMINGER...THE WHOLE TIME.... THEY HAVE GIVEN HIM CREDIT FOR HIS INFLUENCE.. the whole time... AND HE WILL REMEMBER THAT DURING THIS ENTIRE PROCESS. if our offense cant do anything in the playoffs... LSU wont blame him then either... LSU IS HIS FUTURE.. and he knows it... nowhere else will he build a better resume.. anywhere else... it will be the headcoach that gets the credit... and he knows that...
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ByUselves58 months
Bet Brady is new OC for LSU. And Slinger is the assistant next year.
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supadave358 months
Didn't we just sign him to a 1.8 million dollar salary?
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Relham1058 months
Why do you post the coach O quote then post 3 different sources quoteing the same thing like we didn't believe you. And on top of that, one of the rehashed quotes is you at
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True23Tiger58 months
Joe Brady finna eat
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kingofthelv58 months
the deal is done.. he not leaving.. myles will be fine next year
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GeorgeTheGreek58 months
Yassssss, frick you Texas. Dbags and figs there.
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luciouslou58 months
Next year will be the true test for Brady. If he does the same thing with myles, it would elevate him to Lincoln riley or kingsbury status
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TigerstuckinMS58 months
Joe Brady, quarterback whisperer.
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HubbaBubba58 months
Speaking of Riley, when he leaves for the Cowboys after Jerry fires Garrett, OU is going to need another spread offensive-minded coach. I wonder if Brady is ready to take charge, yet? He certainly will, someday. Reality is, assistants move around, hone their skills, move up and the good ones that are successful, well... they move up into HC positions. Enjoy having Brady here while he's here, but I trust Woodward is smart and experienced enough to read the tea leaves and know to be looking beyond Brady for the next replacement.
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RightWingTiger58 months
While I certainly hope ur right Brady can't (nor any other coach) turn Miles Brennen into JB9. It seems like LSU fans & even a lot of the Sports Talk/Jocks on TV & Radio are having a hard time understanding just how AMAZING JB9's been this season. LSU will never have a QB that will put together a season like he has this year. At least not in our lifetimes!
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Random LSU Hero58 months
This is a major fork in the road for O and this program. I hope O and Woodward handle this correctly. Screwing this up could be cataclysmic
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RRTiger58 months
I have a lot of confidence in Woodward-not so much the previous AD.
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eugene1928LSU58 months
What do you know random
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HuRRiCaNe MiLeS58 months
RRTiger... You have alot of confidence in Woodward? The guy that signed Jimbo to a 75m deal? lolololololol
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TwoDatBait58 months
Aranda should donate a portion of his salary to Joe...
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BigTimer2358 months
I’m sure you would be willing to do the same in that position
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Datbayoubengal58 months
Shouldn't Ensminger and O have done that the past 3 years as well?
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conman58 months
Joe Brady gonna get paid
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Covingtontiger7758 months
Lord, if Brady leaves the melts would be of astronomical proportions. Brady leaving is NOT, I repeat is NOT a MUTHAFREAKING Option!!
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