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cheeto2258 months
These calls are supposed to assume there was no rule violation unless there was clear evidence of a rule being broken, which there was not.
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LSU Bayou Jim8 months
Fact is that they tried to steal it from the Tigers. Neal neither stepped on or in front of the plate until after he had the ball. Typical SEC, try to take the game away, then make 20,000 excuses when our guys take it back in a matter that they can't overturn. Sankey has hated LSU since we wouldn't allow him to steal a home game from us in the Florida not a hurricane incident.
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At the end of the day, these frickers couldn't keep the TIGERS from winning. The whole damned situation was a cluster frick brought on by the SC coach.
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TigerDM8 months
I understand the rule, but none of those happened.
Batter stepped out of the box, so no contact. Neal didn’t touch the plate until he had the ball. How is a play that easily reviewed, not a reviewable call? Milan saved the umpires with the home run, lots of heat on them if LSU loses because of that play.
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sabbertooth8 months
Why even bother with this lame explanation?
By this time he knew the crew had blown this call and worse lost control of the game. They had thrown an innocent coach out of the game.
A simple, it’s unfortunate that this play was not reviewable by rule and it looks like our crew misjudged the call, would have sufficed.
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jrobic48 months
This. Their arrogance would never allow it
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mla01008 months
Wait, the SEC officiating crew just now ruled that Milan’s Home Run was a foul ball… after conferring about it!?!
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mla01008 months
There’s no explanation for that total B.S. call..,
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What a bullshite explanation…….
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cajunmud8 months
Can we check these umps online gambling accounts?
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NorthstarinLA8 months
The media and TV guys never give the SeC clowns a hard time, they don't want to lose their free hot dogs and cokes...pathetic
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Kajuntiger1211108 months
It wasn't called on the field, it was originally called an out at the plate..and if it's not reviewable y was the call changed? Sorry officiating crew
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LSUBlitz8 months
Exactly!!! If it’s was debatable you stick to the original call on the field. They should move to ruling like in football if there’s no indisputable evidence.
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RockoRou8 months
Home Plate ump was not even looking down at the plate, he was following the tag out. How can another ump make that call from the infield Home plate ump was all over the strike zone. Sad crew of officials
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NorthstarinLA8 months
This guy read what the rule book says,which is not what the TV showed but since it's a judgement call and not reviewable he gave a typical politician non answer....shows how brow beat the local hack media is as everybody is afraid to call them out and question them....
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RockChalkTiger8 months
Yeah, question the league and your media credentials will not get renewed. Same shite with the announcers in the box. Instead of reporting on the game, they bullshite you with how whatever happened in the field was the correct call. Which is not surprising, since the $EC & E$PN are so busy giving each other reacharounds!
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jrbjr8 months
To their credit, the guys doing the television broadcast said that they didn’t see the catcher get on or in front of the plate.
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cheeto2258 months
Until they got the ruling, then they were wavering and said they couldn't tell if he touched the plate. before they were sure he didn't ..
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RockChalkTiger8 months
Lying sack of shite. Note he never explains that his baw fricked up and that the catcher never stepped on or in front of the plate. Just assumes we’ll all take his word for it over what we saw with our own eyes. SEC gaslights its fans to cover up its own incompetence!
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jrbjr8 months
In his comments during the game telecast, he was quick to say that he wasn’t going to comment on the judgment call….because he knew that the judgement was incorrect. The home plate umpire didn’t call it immediately. Only after the crew got together did they convince him that he saw something that didn’t happen. Glad the Tigers overcame.
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6R128 months
Did SC coach challenge it or did the ump from the out field all of a sudden decide to talk about it. The home plate ump didn't for sure bc he called the runner out. If it was home plate ump why did he wait to call it? So who decided to make it an issue???????
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6R128 months
Good thing that Home Run wasn't a judgement call bc they might have decided it was only a single. LOL
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CajunBullet8 months
LMAO....funny are chit right there!
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LSUtoBOOT8 months
He will not say if the call was correct, only that it’s a judgement call, so everything else out of his pie hole is blah, blah, blah.
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cheeto2258 months
it's weird how it's a judgement call on whether someone actually touched home, ain't it? that should be he did or didn't, no judgement.
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CajunBullet8 months
Whatever official who was behind the plate must be blind in one eye and can not see out of the other to come up with a call like this!
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saltytiger28 months
Embarrassing moment for SEC officials.
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