WWE’s Mandy Rose graces thee new cover of Maxim Magazine...

So extremely happy and honored right now !! This has always been a bucket list for me and a huge goal, I’ve always wanted to be on the cover of @maximmag and it actually happened! @maxim_aus Thanks to everyone that helped made this happen! Photography by @shannonlaurine
@limitless #Maxim #Covermodel

Filed Under: General Sports
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luciouslou65 months
She fine
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ConfusedHawgInMO65 months
Maxim still has a magazine?
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OU81265 months
Looks plastic and painted
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the paradigm65 months
she looks like she was born with a cleft palate
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bamagreycoat65 months
That magazine lost all credibility when they named miley cyrus the most beautiful woman a few years ago.
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TiptonInSC65 months
She has that Jaime Pressly kinda look that I like.
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WhiskeyPlease65 months
4 Star Child bearing hips,,,,
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KingOfTheWorld65 months
Use protection or ask for her bar card.
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Breauxsif65 months
Larry with the lotion
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TigerLunatik65 months
Eh. She ain't Torrid. That's for damn sure.
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skullopener65 months
that's a man!!
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Fightin Okra65 months
Looks like Tiffany Trump
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FaCubeItches65 months
Wow, Maxim still exists?
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brewdrees65 months
Better get her now before she marries a Justin Tupper lol right Larry???
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lsubuddy65 months
Absolutely beautiful and ridiculous body. Goddess is right
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MetryMauler65 months
I'd like to bridge the orgasm gap with her.
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UTprideofTX65 months
Need to brown bag that face
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Skinny65 months
I didnt know Mindy McCready had a daughter.
user avatar
tigahland65 months
defintely wood
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