Watch Scott Van Pelt Say Goodbye To Bristol As SportsCenter Moves To Washington, D.C.
Tommy Gilligan-USA TODAY Sports
Watch Scott Van Pelt say goodbye to Bristol, Connecticut as SportsCenter moves to Washington, D.C....
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Filed Under: General Sports
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lsuohiofan55 months
Now why would a sports network move to a political city?
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CDawson55 months
Remember when MTV showed music videos? Remember when ESPN showed sports? Both complete political hacks now.
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nol1wph55 months
Loved me some music videos in the 80s. So cool!!!
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soccerfüt55 months
Geaux Terps, Tigas, and Van Peazle!
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kywildcatfanone55 months
It makes sense now that they are 100% political commentary to move to DC
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redfish9955 months
He never said the name of the town ,that’s crazy .
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62Tigerfan55 months
ESPN is more politically liberal than CNN. Will they hire AOC for an anchor gig?
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imjustafatkid55 months
DC? Why?
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LStU55 months
He went to UMD which is a suburb of DC. I think his parents live in DC as well.
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NoShow55 months
Anybody still watch ESPN?
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bigman33455 months
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RamboMizzou55 months
People downvoting the fact you warltch espn. Lmao.
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RamboMizzou55 months
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bigman33455 months
never understood the love affair with SVP.. not awful but very average
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Skinny55 months
En fuego! The whiiiff! Back back back back, gone! He, could, go, all, the, way!
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Placekicker55 months
Back when SportCenter was must see tv. Aww, the good ole days before identity politics, when a sports network focused on sports.
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young man tiger55 months
Makes sense. If you cover politics, you move to where the politicians are.
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Jay Are55 months
He's moving back to where he's from because his mom is sick. You idiots can be such trash.
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Ag Zwin55 months
CNN jumped the shark when they moved from Atlanta. Expect the same.
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geauxGreeks55 months
Always been a fan of SVP and his perspective on life.
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Rex Feral55 months
That's a little too close to the South for me. They should have moved to Canada. They'd fit in better up there.
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zoom55 months
How would moving therr make any sense outside of politics.
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tiggerthetooth55 months
Sounds like ESPN is going to become more political.
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KCT55 months
Disney/ABC/ESPN. I said goodbye to them a long, long time ago except for LSU games, and I watch those games in a manner that doesn't give them even one red cent.
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So what are they going to start having White House correspondents now too?
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KCT55 months
Yeah, probably that Marxist pansy Max Kellerman.
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