Thanksgiving is almost here and Erin Andrews will be passing on this side dish tomorrow...
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(The Spun)
Filed Under: General Sports
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NPComb27 months
Who the frick besides Larry listen to those two cornish hens?
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Giantkiller27 months
Boy, this Erin and Charissa show has turned into a real goldmine for you, huh Larry?
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HarryBalzack27 months
Larry's going through some kleenex.
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DeafVallyBatnR27 months
Who cares and why are we getting stupid tid bits about her?
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TheWalrus27 months
I heard Charissa likes the cream pies.
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Jyrdis27 months
Larry, no one cares about this washed up ho
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AtlantaLSUfan27 months
Not clicking that. If anyone watches, you should post the answer.
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BobABooey27 months
She starting to look like a turkey with that beak.
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Oilytiger2227 months
“I gotta have more Erin Andrew’s!”- Christopher Walken
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