Favorite team:Murray State
Location:God's Country
Occupation:Making Gravy
Number of Posts:311
Registered on:1/31/2015
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re: Your Favorite Wrestling Intro

Posted by Oilytiger22 on 6/27/24 at 6:23 pm
Kane’s Slow Chemical [embed]https://youtu.be/9P9ikldSjq8?si=AVjtnPMFNaKc5b9d[/embed]...
[quote]The Kansas City Chiefs are officially America's team[/quote] Weak minded Americans’ team maybe. ...
They both suck! Overpaid players throwing a ball at a hole hoping it goes in more than the other group of overpaid players. No violence or it’s a foul. Zzzzz!!! ...

re: NFL now bans the Hip Drop tackle

Posted by Oilytiger22 on 3/25/24 at 10:30 am
I really just wish the defenses would just go on strike and really just stand there. They should just watch them run 75 yards for a touchdown on every play. They want offense give it to them! ...
Psst…. It’s because the Republicans are dumbasses! ...

re: Christmas Vacation thread

Posted by Oilytiger22 on 12/24/23 at 1:55 pm

re: GE profile Opal ice maker

Posted by Oilytiger22 on 6/14/23 at 6:46 pm
I bought one two years ago for the camper. As soon as we quit camping for the year I brought it in and it lasted about 3 months. I tried to work on it and finally found out the sensor went out. I won’t be spending 600 bucks on a new one. ...

re: Mike leach passed away

Posted by Oilytiger22 on 12/13/22 at 9:02 am
[img]https://media.tenor.com/FR5LfeoKY8MAAAAC/ms-state-hailstate.gif[/img] Prayers for the Leach family and Mississippi State. Rest easy Pirate… ...
[img]https://media.tenor.com/FR5LfeoKY8MAAAAC/ms-state-hailstate.gif[/img] Never surrender coach!!!...
[quote]They can do whatever they want. I’m still voting Trump. frick all of them. The more they try to “get him” the more it makes me want to vote for him to prove the point to them. I can’t be controlled.[/quote][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BfyhCovCYAAwumd.jpg[/img]...

re: Dalton or Jameis at this point?

Posted by Oilytiger22 on 10/11/22 at 3:31 pm
They can make it up by suspending this guy for life! [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.XgZoNCGeQnrdSPxuhv0sVwAAAA%26pid%3DApi&f=1[/img]...
I left Louisiana one time! I had to go to Shreveport....
[quote]He is a Face Joe Gets built up strong but always jobs out to the main eventers when it counts[/quote] He is the new kane! ...
More of the same no hitting for us and free bases to them whether it be walks or stolen bases. ...