Hahaha...Watch this dude challenge "Gaston," the antagonist from Disney's "Beauty and the Beast," to a push-up contest at Disney World and get owned...

Lesson learned. Next time go after Goofy or Pluto, bro.

Filed Under: General Sports
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Bleeding purple116 months
Gaston failed to do real pushups
the one armed pushups at end looked like just swaying his hips
Guy challenging should have done same as no one there knew any better
Asian lady in background needs to pull skirt down from under camera bag.
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SaintsSBXLIV116 months
Gaston never once went fully down, not did his elbows lock up when coming up. At least the kid was doing legit push ups.
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Diddles116 months
Gaston must Crossfit
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VagueMessage116 months
What's sad is you actually think this got "got owned". He actually went all the way down on his push ups. Disney guy's consisted of "make sure my elbows are bent".
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diddydirtyAubie116 months
Gaston should have challenged him to an egg eating contest.
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miz_zombie116 months
Laughing so hard at jumping shark comment
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JumpingTheShark116 months
Noooooo........oooooooonnnnnneeeee.......bros like Gaston no one swells like Gaston, in the gym no one lifts the dumbells like Gaston
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LSUAlum2001116 months
Gaston did pushups?
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spslayto116 months
He didn't do a single pushup due to that range of motion. Not impressed.
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