So, I was at the gym this morning, getting all swole as usual. I was on my third set of dumbbell shoulder presses, trying to get 10 reps in when I started struggling a little after my 6th rep.

Then, over the gym sound system, came "Here and Now" by Letters To Cleo. As many of you know, this was the song that they used to place at the very end of Melrose Place back in the mid-90's. Great tune.

That song energized me enough to complete the last four reps with ease.

Just bought if off iTunes and will certainly added to my Marathon playlist...

Lead singer is hot in pig-tails, despite her jorts:

Filed Under: General Interest
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TigerLicks184 months

So, I was at the gym this morning, getting all swole as usual.

Never happened.
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USMCTiger03184 months
Please Chix, say it ain't so.

And how do I imbed videos?? :confused:
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Bushmaster184 months
At least it wasnt that fricking U2 bullshite.
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thelawisafterme184 months

At least it wasnt that fricking U2 bullshite.

+1 U2 blows assfarts
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OWLFAN86184 months
if you didnt own this place youd be GCS
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shutterspeed184 months
I prefer "How Do You Talk to Angels" while doing buttock exercises.
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Pilot Tiger184 months
she has cottage cheese on her thighs
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LSUballs184 months
I figured that song would have made you bolt from the gym in hast to grab a sixer of Zima and some Jolly Ranchers.
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Lsut81184 months
Youre not supposed to imbed videos... Im RAing that shite
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GeorgeTheGreek184 months

Youre not supposed to imbed videos... Im RAing that shite

Me too, Circus Child better lay the smacketh down.
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