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An Australian man was forced to put up his dukes against a buff kangaroo that was holding his dog hostage, catching the whole thing on camera...

The down-under beatdown took place between the 'roo and Mildura resident Mick Moloney ... who took a swing at the animal, and got knocked in return -- his camera took a tumble into the water, but his dog was safe from the scary situation.

Mick told ABC Radio Melbourne Afternoons he was stretching near the river over the weekend when he noticed his pup, Hatchi, was nowhere to be found.

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Filed Under: Boxing/MMA
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CanebreakCajun11 months
Between the Kangaroos and refugees, Australia is finished.
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LSUvet7211 months
A Palestinian Kangaroo? Need to shoot those SOBs between the eyes not box them.
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Dingeaux11 months
crocodile will get them both
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KennabraTiger11 months
Australia sucks
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SOL211 months
Was he going to eat the dog?
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Drizzt11 months
Those things look fricking weird up close. Human arms!
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5 Deep11 months
This shite is not new Larry
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SECSolomonGrundy11 months
Id like to see some American soy boys try to fight a roo.
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Clark1411 months
It would kick your arse….
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JackieTreehorn11 months
On Xbox?
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