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Registered on:12/1/2009
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Grandpa AGLANDRY - You are an absolute JOKE! Are you going to start attacking Hebert AGAIN after your Grandson's performance (Lonergan) in the bowl game? He finally had to go against some legit competition (Not La Tech or Tulane) & his performance was less then ideal for sure. There was absolutel...

re: Question about Chris Garrett!!

Posted by Superfast on 1/5/10 at 2:58 pm
AG - Funny how ironic your post is about the Back up always being better from certain fans viewpoint. Well, based on what we saw from JL this year & the replacement Center's performance on Friday, a change is always not always for the better....

re: So people's take on Lonergran?

Posted by Superfast on 1/4/10 at 12:04 pm
The Bob - Amen! We finally agree on something. By me posting Friday's running game stats over & over was to just duplicate what a few posters would try to do during the reg season to attempt to point the finger at Hebert. Just dishing it back....

re: So people's take on Lonergran?

Posted by Superfast on 1/4/10 at 11:57 am
The Bob - PJ Better?? Did I miss something during Friday's game or something? 41 yds on 25 att! Can we agree that the Center play was not the #1 issue with our offense this year?...

re: So people's take on Lonergran?

Posted by Superfast on 1/4/10 at 11:54 am
Southern Man - Keep on spinning it to justify PJ's play on Friday. You can maybe convince yourself on some of your own reasoning. 41 yds on 25 att! Boy, you were surely quick to pull the trigger & point the finger at Hebert during the regular season huh! Why don't you be consistent with your judgi...

re: So people's take on Lonergran?

Posted by Superfast on 1/4/10 at 11:12 am
Southern Man - You are a JOKE! Keep trying to justify PJ's play on Friday. 41 yds on 25 att!So, by what you are saying PJ just did not give it his best effort or something? That had to be your worst come back post so far. Just OWN UP!...

re: So people's take on Lonergran?

Posted by Superfast on 1/4/10 at 10:31 am
Southern Man, love the way you spin it & try to justify PJ's play on Friday! Own up!! You are one of the main guys bashing Hebert the entire year saying that if only we would see PJ more, the inside running game would improve drastically. Well, we all saw what happened on Friday! How are you goi...

re: So people's take on Lonergran?

Posted by Superfast on 1/4/10 at 8:35 am
MAN UP AG!! All your post through out the year was IF T Bob would be replaced, inside running game would improve considerably!! 25 attempts, 41 YDS in Bowl game!! MAN UP!! How are you gonna blame Friday's inside running game debacle on Hebert this time?? Now, are you going to admit that Hebert ...
Come on AG. Own up!! 25 rushing attempts & 41 freaking yards. How are you gonna blame Hebert for the inside running game debacle this time? Boy, PJ was blowing huge holes huh?? Come on, Own Up!!...
41 yds on 25 attempts. Own up AGLandry (Granpa)!! How are you gonna spin things to blame Hebert for the inside running game debacle on Friday?? I isolated on PJ on inside running plays and he flat out was getting BEAT! Own up & critique inside running game like you do every week!...

re: We often forget

Posted by Superfast on 12/16/09 at 1:22 pm
Krypto, Amen Brother!! Couldn't agree more!...

re: Coach Stud

Posted by Superfast on 12/14/09 at 4:21 pm
T-Bob undersaized?? Now how big was Helms again?? Confused....

re: Worst and best player of 09

Posted by Superfast on 12/14/09 at 4:18 pm
biglego, you do not think much of PJ by this post on this thread huh?? By the way, what was Helm's size last year?...

re: Bobby Hebert Just Said...

Posted by Superfast on 12/13/09 at 8:24 pm
Basclas & Grandpa AG, y'all do not think too highly of Lonergan based on your post on this thread huh!! Also, concerning this thread, I think it is hilarious how people twist words and put there own spin on things....

re: if coach stud is such a bad coach

Posted by Superfast on 12/12/09 at 7:12 pm
maximus, man you don't think highly of PJ by making your last post huh? By the way, one thing I am certain of, you were not even good enough to play middle school ball....

re: Zone blocking destroyed LSU Offense

Posted by Superfast on 12/10/09 at 8:26 am
I agree that Hebert got beat on some plays in the Ole Miss '09 game. However, when you have the time, review the '08 Ole Miss game as well. Hebert wasn't a part of the '08 Ole Miss struggle. Now, what is your point?...

re: Coach Stud

Posted by Superfast on 12/7/09 at 5:21 pm
AG, I agree with Bobby as well. A good Center is crucial. T-Bob is not there yet but he is heading in the right direction. Mentally he is ahead of the curve, phsyically he has work to do but the foundation is there. Furthermore, he is the best option we have & that is the truth Size argument- com...

re: Alabama O-Line

Posted by Superfast on 12/5/09 at 9:59 pm
AG is surely related to PJ. His one & only agenda is to try to dog our Starting Center at all cost. Check out his past posts. Majority of them are directed toward Hebert negatively. He has no other hobby except to try and make T Bob look bad. Believe me, he is not a true Tiger fan. Just wants t...

re: WIll we get a new OL coach?

Posted by Superfast on 12/3/09 at 4:44 pm
Southern Man, all I said is that Mount Cody may agree that T Bob's play is promising. Nothing more. Also, nothing against PJ, but are you really going to hang your hat on PJ's performance against Tech? I thought his play was surely acceptable but not crazy dominate. Again, that's amazing to hang yo...

re: WIll we get a new OL coach?

Posted by Superfast on 12/3/09 at 4:12 pm
AG, you must lead a miserable life always trying to spin things negatively toward T Bob. Don't think he set the world on fire this year but considering it is his 1st year starting & coming off injury, his play was promising overall I think Mount Cody would agree with that. You need to get a hobby...