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Biography:5'11'' 196
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Registered on:12/4/2007
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I tried to Google his name and antifa and all I found are a bunch of left wing news articles about how trump demonizes antifa and they are just a good group of people. Can’t make this shite up. Where’s this video they are talking about? No way YouTube got to it that fast right?...
[quote]I hope we find a way to get rid of him[/quote] You can’t be serious. He’s always been shy of the microphone but he makes plays every time he’s on the field. He consistently shuts down the number 1 options in other teams and rarely ever gets burned. We’d be lucky to have him without havi...
[quote]But But But, Drew says he’s amazing[/quote] Without drew you don’t get to have a Super Bowl so be fricking grateful dipshit...
[quote]Carr doesn't know this offense. It is easily apparent.[/quote] Lmao. Doesn’t know this offense? That’s what the problem is?! So our oline playing like turnstyles and our OC running his head into a brick wall have nothing to do with this, it’s that our QB doesn’t know the plays?!...

re: Make a ducking QB change

Posted by LSUpsychWARD on 9/18/23 at 8:07 pm
Jamies is going to be better with this shitty play calling?!...
That’s on Pete to start calling screens and rolling to the right where we have good protection. I haven’t seen any kind of play calling to counter their strong d line play. Their dbs are not good, we should be testing them...
[quote]We actually running well[/quote] Who is?!...
You’re wrong. Oline is playing like shite and not giving him time. Panthers D is playing well and Olave should have had that TD....
[quote]What an absolutely ignorant statement lol[/quote] Dude he was being sarcastic lmao...
[quote]All very great, legit questions, but I think Pete gets too much of the blame for the offense when we had Dalton leading it. He was hamstrung. Not saying Pete did a great job, and I have criticized him about things last year, but the QB he had to work with was a huge factor in what could real...
[quote]Champ was great… but Deion different… made cornerback into a glamorous position… the demeanor you look for in a DB in high school and college Deion responsible for… the #21 in football will always be special[/quote] Not sure what the downvotes are for, Deion is what every shutdown corner w...
It’s called stalling. They want to say a whole lot of nothing while using as many words as possible. That’s why you’ll hear a really good question posed to DA or SP and they’ll talk for 10 minutes and you realize you still don’t have an answer to the question. Bill Belicheck is the only one that ...
[quote]We got ya debbie...its all sh!t. Be well.[/quote] Look I’m a life long Saints fan and I’m hoping I’m completely wrong, I want someone to show me how I am wrong. I just don’t see how they made us better this weekend. I thought I’d be frickin pumped with how deep this draft was and how many...
[quote]Trautman is not a reliable TE, dude[/quote] Reliable? I’m not saying he’s Antonio Gates, but he’s more reliable than what we have behind Johnson for gods sakes...
[quote]Several years to late slick.[/quote] I’d say 90% of this board is still quick to defend the saints FO anytime someone criticizes them like when anyone second guessed their choices the past couple nights. I don’t see that continuing when we look like shite again this year. I don’t see how ...
[quote]I guarantee they can find a better TE in free agency[/quote] Go Google remaining free agents and find a TE. Not one under 30 years old and it’s headlined by MyCole Pruitt. Trautman was our best TE because we haven’t drafted well in a while. It’s ok to admit when your team is fricking up...
Trautman could have been an ok option if juwan needs a breather or god forbid gets hurt. The free agent market has 0 tight ends. They better have a plan with some UDFAs. This Saints regime is going to take a ton of shite next year real quick if we look like the old sloppy mess that it seems like w...
[quote]It never gets old how the idiots think Kiper and McShay’s rankings are gospel and followed by all NFL teams[/quote] Literally both guys I just mentioned taking instead got picked right after we selected, so apparently all of the other front offices felt the same....
[quote]It never gets old how the idiots think Kiper and McShay’s rankings are gospel and followed by all NFL teams[/quote] Following your logic, why do you think you’re so much smarter than the idiots you’re mentioning. Btw, I have no idea wtf kiper or mcshay are saying about what, but I have ey...
[quote]You kniw Sean is taking Spears from Tulane lol[/quote] And he’s going to make our pick look as dumb as it is. No one had this kid going anytime soon lulz. Wtf has gotten into our front offices head since 2017?! It’s like they completely forgot what to do...