Favorite team:McNeese State 
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Registered on:5/19/2021
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We treated him like crap in the end but Auburn stuck by their man when he had baggage at auburn. Should have kept Will Wade. It wasnt that bad what will wade did. Sometimes ppl make mistakes and we should have stuck by will wade. Lsu definitely paying for their bad decisions now
Dont think Lsu is interested in a new arena. They had tslked about it since 2018 and nothing has started.
Maybe a tad over the last couple yrs but this incoming freshman class is loaded. One the best i have ever seen, i would like to see Mulkey get one more for this freshman class who is absolute badass.
In this game on the road vs a very tough opponent Mulkey can do better coaching but i think th

re: Give me Brady or McCarthy

Posted by Lowes knowsLSU on 1/24/25 at 1:50 pm
No.mccarthy. hell no

re: LSU WBB beat UF 80-63

Posted by Lowes knowsLSU on 1/19/25 at 9:39 pm
That would be nice but USC is much more talented than Lsu squad
One of the best available targets out there that Lsu is after. He safety or corner back out of nc st. He a good one
Ah i think it will be an 0-7 start so lets get ahead. Who should Lsu look to hire as new mens basketball coach? I know coach Woody hired this guy cause he didnt like Will wade but ok he got rid of him. Who would there be out there to hire???

re: On Kailyn Gilbert

Posted by Lowes knowsLSU on 1/10/25 at 7:28 am
Wish had forwards that were more of an aggressive ball hog but they scared to go out there, se'miah smith, Jersey and the 6ft6 center. But cant always have it perfect can ya? Well i mean some ppl wanted angel gone for whatever reason and now she no longer at Lsu the ladies filling in this yr are
So what do their forwards do for Lsu ?? Since Angel left Lsu the girls at the forward positions do nothing this season. At least 3 forwards rhat i know about combined for 2 points vs Tennessee lady vols. Kim mulkey need some girls that can play that position.
To be fair on the hiring of ND coach. If would have hired Marcus Freeman, would have seen good results but when? And you cannot convince me that Marcus Freeman would stay at Lsu. All his family live in the north where he is currently. He has turned down multuple jobs to go to the south.
However good weeks is, expect to see all 3 brothers playing together on 2025 season roster at Lsu. Well thats what i read
Smith And Jersey wolfenberger need to step up, those two are lazy
Tygee hill and west did nothing at lsu

re: How did OU out recruit us?

Posted by Lowes knowsLSU on 12/20/23 at 12:17 pm
Got a better DC than Lsu does. Hell i duno. Ratings on these kids not done yet but can these coaches coach these kids on where need to be should be the focus. Missou did that and they not always been in top10 rankings in decades
I miss that guy, can he come back to Lsu?? Well Booby petrino came back to AreKansas so why cant WW come back to LSU
Andddd woukdnt have to if Wade was still here. Settle down my little grass hopper on defending mcMahon. Go back in ur hole.
He said himself he was scared to compete in the sec under the new sec schedule cauze he did not have enough confidence in himself so he committed to Colorado so that why he turned down other sec schools. Came from his mouth, his actions