Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:42
Registered on:1/1/2020
Online Status:Not Online

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TLDR; Don't read this post. It's a waste of your time and I wrote it for myself. Younger generations have a vastly better ability to outsource thought and memory to silicon. In most cases, this creates a less contributing person to society. In fewer cases, it creates a much much more valuable a...

re: Window Shortage

Posted by RaisingCanesOnly on 3/7/22 at 1:41 pm
[quote]It’s a real pane for many.[/quote] Well executed. The feedback y'all provided was very helpful thanks a lot....

re: Window Shortage

Posted by RaisingCanesOnly on 3/7/22 at 11:01 am
[quote]Commercial GC here, glazing just got pushed back until august on a car dealership that we are building.. ordered it about 6 months ago to. [/quote] HOLY...

Window Shortage

Posted by RaisingCanesOnly on 3/7/22 at 10:55 am
Anyone have any insight into the details of why residential windows are taking so long right now? Preferably someone in the industry - not looking for "everything in the supply chain is slow right now" type answers...
Impossible unless you're already "used to" not much sleep. If you get 5-6 hours a night, you've likely forgotten how good it feels to get 8 hours every night for a week. Once I got to 8-9 hours per night for about 2 weeks straight, I could never go back to that difficult-to-describe slight feeling...
Just wanted to follow up post-passport appointment in NOLA. Ended up getting the passport in one day. However, plan to allocate the entire day away from work. Appointment was @9:00AM. Driving from Baton Rouge, expect massive traffic in NOLA. Show up with all the required documents in an organ...
No press is bad press. I'm sure the articles on this pumped her only fans numbers up to cover that salary loss. Now she's doing what she loves AND making the same $$. Sweet sweet American Dream Unrelated side note: wouldn't personally touch that with a 6 ft tree branch wearing leather gloves a...
Anyone ever gone to a passport agency appointment? I'm wondering if they print your passport while you're there so you can walk out with it. Here's some context if you're curious: Traveling internationally in 2 weeks. No passport because bad planning. I was lucky enough to secure an appointmen...
Dude... This is a sick L. Valuable observation thanks for sharing...
[quote]circumventing/ inventing rules that benefit them[/quote] [b]Circumvent[/b] verb find a way around (an obstacle). [b]Invent[/b] verb create or design (something that has not existed before); be the originator of....
Once worked with a fella who picked up a tall boy and a sixer every day on the way home. Downed the tall boy and one out of the sixer before polishing off the rest upon arrival. Every night...
I think y'all are getting really emotional. This is awesome entertainment. Separate note: those lip injections look disgusting on women how tf do they think that makes them look good. Maybe there are some who do it right, but if I notice it, not cool...
Natural selection has selected for right handed people. Left handers will hopefully be extinct in a few years nbd...
1. 225Tyga [link=(https://www.tigerdroppings.com/users/prof.aspx?u=102287)]LINK[/link] 2. ~6 months-ish 3. No 4. Drunk rambling about Hurricane Ida (interpreted as trolling) 5. No 6. 225Tyga pledges to rebrand themselves to remain a non-trolling member 7. It is mind-blowing how the admin team ...
Continuous multi-trillion injections of government monopoly money will put money in home buyers' hands. The interest rates will correct a bit, but the home values will probably continue to rise....
Aside from Gardere, please share some good neighborhoods around campus we can bring the kids to see the lights :bow:...
How do y'all handle a good friend or coworker's significant other dancing on you at an event? Before your educated feedback, my strategy is to always entertain it for 3-15 seconds, then politely move in the opposite direction...