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re: Career advice

Posted by NOLA08179 on 2/9/18 at 5:57 pm
MM disagrees with you. Rolling up to Southern every day is the highlight of her life. ...
Not for work but I did for schoolwork. Take it sometimes if I wanna get personal shite done, like pressurewashing siding and driveway or painting boat, etc. I had to go to dr and he gave a bunch of tests on computer, shapes and colors coming at you really fast and you gotta call them out. I missed ...
Knew a gay guy who sold Mary kay. He did really well. He was so outgoing and friendly and excited about the products. Ended up quitting his full time job and just selling makeup. ...
Went to an uncle's graveside July service when I was about 14. Right in the middle of the hot as hell service, I fainted. I just remember some other family members helping me walk to the car and sit in the air conditioning. I was so humiliated....
They are mad because Janet got the blame for the other super bowl thing. It really wasn't fair if you think about it. She got roasted. Also huffpo said that JT culturally appropriates. ...
Hahaha. Every time her husband takes a pic it's like he doesn't know where the camera is. He looks like an idiot. Those kids, and KB's too, will grow up to hate themselves. They're having all this "white people suck" crap shoved down their throats. If we tell black girls that "black girl magic" exis...
MM just overdoes it for me to believe she's genuine. Am I really supposed to believe her kids only play with black dolls, she only watches black movies and her life and kids are completely devoted to 100% supporting black businesses? I don't buy it. Supposedly she cried the other day because she's s...
Everyone around the office jokes that he is exactly Michael Scott. Spends meetings calling himself a "fearless leader" and "superstar director". Everyone just looks around the table and exchanges looks. ...
Meetings never produce anything in our unit. Boss routinely tells employees he refuses to learn software or processes because he's not capable of doing so. Why would you tell your team that? And at that point, stop micromanaging if you're stupid anyway. I've only worked here 3 months and I don't wan...

Useless meetings and other nonsense

Posted by NOLA08179 on 2/3/18 at 10:54 am
Has anyone figured out how to get their boss to stop having useless meetings? We have meetings a few times a week and everyone but the boss seems to realize they're useless. He is completely clueless on everything and most of the meetings are just us explaining basic crap to him while he gives us bl...

re: SeneGence (MLM)

Posted by NOLA08179 on 2/2/18 at 6:59 pm
Lots of people I know selling it don't even need the money. I know nurses, speech therapists, pharmacists, retail district managers and physician assistants who sell this crap or similar stuff. Only thing I can think of is they use it as a tax write off. Had a girlfriend who sold cosmetics once an...
Well now that the lazy river is done it's time for a new fee! Recreational Drug Exam Fee ...
Honestly though we have too many damn people on BR roads every day. At this point the suburbs have grown so much, and will keep doing so, that another form of transportation needs to be considered. A monorail or something. I came here when Katrina hit so I admit I am part of the problem. I'll be gon...
Black male LSU professor told us "racists like to make up excuses for why blacks live in poverty, they try to blame it on us and say that it's because 70% of our kids don't have fathers, but the poverty is really because of the modern day slavery that occurs in prisons and because of systemic racism...
Yeah, I meant from a government perspective, taxes buy candy then pay dentist bills. And apparently these days, people on Medicaid get gift cards and shite to take their kids to the doctor. I heard it on the radio. It said receive prizes and incentives for completing your child's wellness checks whe...
I worked at a grocery store once and had a lady come through and spend $50 on Easter candy. She swiped that EBT card and I felt sure it would be declined but nope. Paying for candy then paying for kids to see the dentist seems counterproductive to me. I wish it was more of the WIC system, a certai...
What if I bought stuff that I gave to others? Bought my mom some gifts for Mother's Day last year. She lives in MS. So those gifts are not being used in LA. But JBE still wants some of that? He can go frick himself. LA was one of the states that lost thousands of residents last year. I can sure as h...
My God I can't get out of this shithole fast enough. ...
Same answer I give, I just say I don't like any politicians. They tell me that's cause I have privilege. Lol. ...