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Location:Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
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Registered on:12/2/2014
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[quote]choosing the most salacious option out there.[/quote] What’s more salacious? A) getting killed by a shark after 5-8 seconds of sheer terror B) drifting away in pitch black dark at night in the ocean and treading water for 45 minutes to an hour while losing hope of being rescued ...
[quote]The problem is after they dragged a stumbling drunk girl to the car [/quote] Your entire post is you wishcasting the absolute worst scenario you can create. The facts already known are horrible enough, you over characterizing and adding in extra scenarios that have no evidence of happenin...
[quote]Do you think you’re making some type of profound, earth-shattering point?[/quote] Apparently he is because every time he dares to mention that it’s a bad idea for a 19 year girl to be near blackout drunk at a bar it gets downvoted like 17-1. What I’ve learned from this thread is that yo...
[quote]I’m surprised more people from the LP haven’t posted about these 3 clowns. You know there has to be some information floating around DS and Walker high schools about the accused[/quote] These dudes are Walker kids. None of them went to Denham. Even though there is one with a Denham addre...
[quote]Stingley is always in position downfield, but he's given up some plays on 50/50 balls. From off coverage, he has a smooth pedal and explodes out of his plant/drive. His instincts are excellent, but I do have concerns with his effort and execution as a tackler[/quote] [quote]2nd reputable d...
[quote]The play by play guy got a full time job with BR radio station 104.5 ESPN and has his own show from 2-3 pm. "The Early Line"[/quote] He still broadcasts the game for the Spanish radio station. Don’t know why LSU doesn’t share the highlights. Probably because it hurts Chris Blair’s feeling...
[quote]So, once again, you would be happier to see him be forced to go to his zoned public school?[/quote] I played football in high school against both Warrick and his brother. His brother played at Broadmoor. Then again, his brother wasn’t a college football talent so Catholic didn’t feel the...
[quote]And they all worked for their scholarship in the summer [/quote] That’s pretty amazing that 15 and 16 year old kids can work off a $20,000 debt in two months. They must be working some CEO level jobs. ...
[quote]Seems like a bad idea, given the sensitivity of the locker room to BLM. [/quote] So no black player can ever be removed from the team again? Lying on social media and causing national negative press on the city of your school is okay to do?...
[quote] She will work alongside the LSU Athletics Business office to grow the diverse supplier program[/quote] Yeah, LSU is gonna need a more diverse group of suppliers now that they’ve run off the millions of dollars given by Rouses. ...
Am I supposed to believe that it's legal for twitter to block all of Trump's messages? Based on that precedent, I can't see how a law suit by Trump against Twitter would not win....
[quote]Who the frick is PFC William T. Santiago?[/quote] The bane of my existence ...
[quote]No more cold showers for Colonel Jessup![/quote] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/U9D9euNqchKNO/giphy.gif[/img]...
[quote]could have ran and tackled him[/quote] [link=(https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_BZkxLQ6zlk)]Doesn’t always work[/link] ...
[quote]Lol. They do this already[/quote] All of this statement goes together. I’m not talking about drugs in general. But 90% of these incidents that the Black community gets riled up about involves a person acting criminally while also having drugs in their system. It clouds their judgement w...
[quote]On the call, James was stern in calling on owners to do more in aiding the Black community and to play more of a role in using their resources to combat systemic racism, sources said.[/quote] So in typical Democrat fashion, it’s up to someone else to get something done. LeBron wasn’t in t...
[img]https://marriedwiki.com/uploads/2019/11/19/doc-rivers-and-his-wife-kristen-rivers-met-as-a-fresher-in-college--1574136845.jpg[/img] Why doesn’t he love black women?...
[quote]and talking heads[/quote] I hope every single one of them cheering for the shutdown of college sports lose their job. That will give Ross Dellenger more time to get drunk....
"Come on guys, push it. Don't give up. Give it your all. The next game is only 13 months away!!!"...