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re: Liz Cheney officially endorses Kamala Harris
Posted on 9/4/24 at 10:11 pm to OMLandshark
Posted on 9/4/24 at 10:11 pm to OMLandshark
Doesn't surprise me in the least. Cheney is a turncoat, RINO showing more of her true colors.
Posted on 9/4/24 at 10:12 pm to OMLandshark
wow. why not just say I am not voting at all.
Posted on 9/4/24 at 10:14 pm to TigerDoc
variety of experiences in medical training that led me to prioritize health policy
Big Pharma runs all of this regardless of Political party.
And Big Pharma cares about Big Pharma, not you, not Democrats, nit Republicans
Posted on 9/4/24 at 10:18 pm to East Coast Band
Agree that they have too much influence.
Posted on 9/4/24 at 10:19 pm to OMLandshark
Conservatism is dead. All that's left are evil frickers wearing conservatism like a skinsuit. It died several decades ago.
Conservatism means wanting endless wars, and wanting to send countless taxpayer dollars out of the country, forever. It means immediately teaming up with Democrats and brutally attacking any Republican politicians who dare to criticize their conservatism.
Conservatism means wanting endless wars, and wanting to send countless taxpayer dollars out of the country, forever. It means immediately teaming up with Democrats and brutally attacking any Republican politicians who dare to criticize their conservatism.
Posted on 9/4/24 at 10:51 pm to OMLandshark
Does this mean Kevin Costner is voting for Kamala?
Posted on 9/4/24 at 10:55 pm to TigerDoc
When you add policy to the end of anything it turns political.
I don’t think you are political when it comes to the health of your patients.
So what do you specifically mean by health policy?
I don’t think you are political when it comes to the health of your patients.
So what do you specifically mean by health policy?
Posted on 9/4/24 at 10:56 pm to roadGator
I mainly mean that we should insure all of our citizens like other similar countries do.
Posted on 9/4/24 at 10:59 pm to TigerDoc
All citizens of the US now have access to care and now insurance.
Additionally, many of the citizens of other countries around the world have the same or similar depending.
Additionally, many of the citizens of other countries around the world have the same or similar depending.
Posted on 9/4/24 at 11:06 pm to roadGator
Yeah, to the extent it's true (it's not fully true as there are lots of individuals in states that have not expanded Medicaid, people in the "coverage gap," who earn too much to qualify for Medicaid but too little to afford private insurance, etc), I supported that expansion and its protection from attempts to roll it back.
Posted on 9/5/24 at 12:05 am to OMLandshark
Lizzy Borden had an axe...
She will cost Kumala votes.
She will cost Kumala votes.
Posted on 9/5/24 at 2:02 am to OMLandshark
I just watched the movie VICE and can safely say: frick the entire Cheney family.
Posted on 9/5/24 at 3:48 am to OMLandshark
No one wants a bush or Cheney hanging around.
No one wants a bush or Cheney hanging around.
Posted on 9/5/24 at 4:21 am to OMLandshark
Quite possibly has the worst case of TDS out of anyone. He literally has destroyed her. I don't know why she thought it was so smart, as a supposed conservative, to go hard against Trump. She is a typical woman who lets her emotions rule her. The fact that she would endorse and vote for the most radical ticket in the history of this country, as a supposed conservative, should tell you all you need to know. She can't be taken serious and this does not move the needle at all. She got destroyed in her own state because of her TDS....I guess she feels her only option now is to join the Dems....or her career is over. What a loser.
Posted on 9/5/24 at 5:22 am to OMLandshark
And this dumb bitch still has an R behind her name, when the whole nation wakes up the Democrats are gonna be inconsequential.
Posted on 9/5/24 at 5:30 am to t00f
Better yet
Why not just shut up?
Go back to getting semen samples from COWS "Sarchasm"
Democrats don't know any different.
Why not just shut up?
Go back to getting semen samples from COWS "Sarchasm"
Democrats don't know any different.
Posted on 9/5/24 at 5:41 am to OMLandshark
"Such bipartisanship" - MSM
What about the Dems/indies endorsing Trump?
What about the Dems/indies endorsing Trump?
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