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To minimize it. Trump is portrayed as a one dimensional villain. In no way is he allowed to look like a victim. ...

re: Kamala’s New Campaign Ad

Posted by Plx1776 on 7/26/24 at 6:44 pm
Lmao. That ai or an impersonation? The significance of the passage of time.... is significant... as is the passage of time. That poor bastard who put that together will probably be arrested... like that one memer was.....
Permanent government. The upper echelon employees of the gov agencies. It's why the country seems to always travel along the same path, no matter who the president is. Trump was a little different. He led us into no new wars, and tried to bring peace to several middle eastern countries. I...
She should probably stop finger wagging, and figure out how to rescue the American hostages. Been a pretty good while now...and msm and DC rarely even talk about the hostages....
Lmao desperately trying to distance her from that clusterfrick at the southern border. ...
What's to explain? They are legit cultists. It's cute because they even got the gospel that tells them they are the normal ones, and everyone else are really the cultists. Trump is shite on on a regular basis by his supporters. We can talk negatively about him..and it's not a big deal. The ...

re: Kamala Harris is a strong black woman

Posted by Plx1776 on 7/25/24 at 11:48 pm
Politicians and officials who have never had real jobs in the private sector love making up stories about their past to try to make it seem like they've more real life experience than they actually do. I still lol at the collard greens bit. ...
She needs to hurry up and pander to white people. I want to see her take a 32oz jar of dukes mayonnaise out of her purse. ...
Omg. Lmao. She's gonna eventually say "mmm mmm I love some fricking fried chicken." She gonna use every stereotype imaginable to try and desperately pander. ...
Of course they were dropped. Where are the weepy officers testifying about how scared they were? I was told that officers being attacked was one of the worst things imaginable. Was that only for j6? Is the justice department back to not caring if officers are attacked?...
I'm fine with Israel's response to the terror attack on their country. I'm more concerned about why our country hasn't rescued the American hostages yet. Are the American hostages already dead, and that information is being swept under the rug out of fear it may hurt the biden or Harris p...
Poor optics. He's sharp and healthy... and just dropped out for no reason. .effectively fricking over all of the people who voted for him in the primary to make him the nominee, and all the people who donated to him. I also like how the Harris campaign wants all of the donations made to Biden...
Because hillbitch and Kamala.. their only draws are that they've vaginas. Hillbitch's mainly platform was that she's a woman. Kamala's main platform is that she's a brown woman. The last two female presidential nominees from the dnc have been empty shells. It's brutal because there're plenty...
Melania isn't running for president. Nor was she a vp. She's just the family of trump. Melania is a gold digger...but her digging hasn't affected me or the American people. Kamala's sucking up the hierarchy..has led her to having an impact on Americans. It has landed her several jobs i...
It's unbelievably cringe. Desperately trying to convince black Americans that she's one of them. She's not. She's so unlikable because she's constantly trying to be something she's not. She's too fake. And her acting is so bad that she comes across as stiff every time she does this kin...
Reddit was taken over by bots several years ago. The_donald was endlessly harassed by them. ...

re: Anybody Cancel their Netflix Yet?

Posted by Plx1776 on 7/25/24 at 4:11 pm
Cancelled mine years ago. As a straight white male, I didn't want to contribute to a company that hates me. ...
It was clear that his brain was breaking down before the 2020 election. It's not his fault. Like you said, age happens. It's the fault of the dumbfricks who completely accepted that fact, and voted for him anyway. Smh. I still remember the literal dead guy Democrats voted into office. The i...
It's already common knowledge that Democrats don't give a flying frick about their constituents. With enough msm support, they can generate enough public hype to support anything they do. I fully believe if Biden took a shite on the sidewalk, and msm said that Biden was just liberating hims...

re: Kamala Stops by a Record Store

Posted by Plx1776 on 7/25/24 at 6:13 am
That hot sauce bit still cracks me up. Her campaign team probably told her that black people would go crazy and believe she's one of them the moment they see her take a bottle of hot sauce out of her purse. ...