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Colorado Trump judge donated to Democrat PAC; claims she wasn't aware of its mission

Posted on 10/30/23 at 4:33 pm
Posted by jatilen
Member since May 2020
13608 posts
Posted on 10/30/23 at 4:33 pm

Colorado Judge Sarah Wallace is overseeing the bench trial, meaning she will be the sole decider of the case’s outcome, not a jury.


At the start of the trial Monday morning, Wallace denied Trump’s motion to recuse herself from the case, which cited a donation the judge made to the Colorado Turnout Project, a PAC focused on electing Democrats across the state.

I apparently made a $100 contribution to the Colorado Turnout Project. That being said, prior to yesterday, I was not cognizant of this organization or its mission,” Wallace said Monday before denying the motion.

“To this day, I have formed no opinion whether the events on Jan. 6 constituted an insurrection, or whether intervener Trump engaged in an insurrection,” the judge said.

Posted by jatilen
Member since May 2020
13608 posts
Posted on 10/30/23 at 4:33 pm to

“To this day, I have formed no opinion whether the events on Jan. 6 constituted an insurrection, or whether intervener Trump engaged in an insurrection,” the judge said.

Posted by crewdepoo
Member since Jan 2015
9766 posts
Posted on 10/30/23 at 4:34 pm to
Posted by SloaneRanger
Upper Hurstville
Member since Jan 2014
8435 posts
Posted on 10/30/23 at 4:40 pm to
Amount doesn't really matter. The donation shows she is a political hack. She has taken sides.

The entire judiciary has become so hyper politicized it's sickening. The rule of law is dead. Just another reason this country is done.
Posted by Don Quixote
Member since May 2023
1994 posts
Posted on 10/30/23 at 4:45 pm to
if she knew what she was contributing to, she has a conflict of interest

if she didn't know what she was contributing to, she's financially irresponsible and reckless

which is it commiejudge?
Posted by EZE Tiger Fan
Member since Jul 2004
50802 posts
Posted on 10/30/23 at 4:47 pm to
The Progressives that want you jailed will tell you all this is A-OK.
Posted by RealityWinsOut
Member since Oct 2023
1454 posts
Posted on 10/30/23 at 5:01 pm to
Which case is this in CO?
Posted by Speckhunter2012
Lake Charles
Member since Dec 2012
6303 posts
Posted on 10/30/23 at 5:06 pm to

he Progressives that want you jailed will tell you all this is A-OK.

Crewdepoo being the #1 Stalin-Lavrentiy Beria fanboy.
Posted by Don Quixote
Member since May 2023
1994 posts
Posted on 10/30/23 at 5:08 pm to

Which case is this in CO?

they're going to remove Trump from the 2024 ballot under the 14th Amendment due to his role in the "insurrection"
Posted by loogaroo
Member since Dec 2005
32193 posts
Posted on 10/30/23 at 5:09 pm to


Doesn't matter. She still did it. Now she should recuse herself.

If the roles were reversed, you would be screaming bloody murder.
Posted by Don Quixote
Member since May 2023
1994 posts
Posted on 10/30/23 at 5:14 pm to

Now she should recuse herself.

she rejected the petition for recusal this morning
Posted by Zach
Gizmonic Institute
Member since May 2005
113115 posts
Posted on 10/30/23 at 5:14 pm to
She's one of those trans things:

Posted by ezride25
Constitutional Republic
Member since Nov 2008
24689 posts
Posted on 10/30/23 at 5:30 pm to
I think he’s in an Allstate commercial also.
Posted by CleverUserName
Member since Oct 2016
13158 posts
Posted on 10/30/23 at 5:30 pm to

“I apparently made a $100 contribution to the Colorado Turnout Project. That being said, prior to yesterday, I was not cognizant of this organization or its mission,” Wallace said Monday before denying the motion.

I thought ignorance of the law (or whatever) was never an excuse?
Posted by loogaroo
Member since Dec 2005
32193 posts
Posted on 10/31/23 at 6:50 am to

she rejected the petition for recusal this morning

Of course because this is a show trial that is predetermined.
Posted by The Maj
Member since Sep 2016
27684 posts
Posted on 10/31/23 at 6:52 am to
Never thought I would live to see the day where my country would actually turn to what we were told to fear...
Posted by roadGator
Member since Feb 2009
142916 posts
Posted on 10/31/23 at 7:16 am to

She's one of those trans things:

That’s why Groupofshit likes him.

And it’s so awesome to have mentally ill judges. FFS
This post was edited on 10/31/23 at 7:28 am
Posted by DotBling
Member since Oct 2019
3166 posts
Posted on 10/31/23 at 8:05 am to
This shite pisses me off so bad. Just let the people vote. What are they so scared of? fricking mentally retarded liberals in these authoritarian positions are extremely dangerous. And there is nothing we can do to stop these deranged mental midgets.
Posted by Don Quixote
Member since May 2023
1994 posts
Posted on 10/31/23 at 8:26 am to

What are they so scared of?

they're not scared, they're brazen. They're doing this in Colorado and Minnesota where they can be assured of a slam dunk ruling in their favor all the way up to their respective supreme courts. Not NY or CA where people already know those are lost causes, but CO and MN look like "middle america" to those not paying attention. Is it likely the US Supreme Court would rule against them - yes, but recall that Colorado has a history of ignoring rulings they don't like from USSC and you can bet your last dollar that commie Jena Griswald will ignore a ruling against her in CO again. So the result of this "trial" is known, this is just to give it the appearance of legitimacy for the sleeping sheep.

The real reason isn't "fear", Trump wasn't going to win CO anyway, but they want the "legal" precedent in place for other states and to use it again whenever they want to
This post was edited on 10/31/23 at 8:28 am
Posted by dafif
Member since Jan 2019
5816 posts
Posted on 10/31/23 at 9:18 am to

hey're going to remove Trump from the 2024 ballot under the 14th Amendment due to his role in the "insurrection"

Insurrection is a federal crime defined under federal law

Absent a conviction, a civil court does not have jurisdiction to make that determination
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