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re: I know I have caused Controversy here ... (Very Long)

Posted on 6/21/20 at 11:25 pm to
Posted by UncleD7734
Member since Apr 2019
1329 posts
Posted on 6/21/20 at 11:25 pm to
Well spoken.
Posted by obdobd918
Member since Jun 2020
3228 posts
Posted on 6/21/20 at 11:29 pm to

But these people don’t want equality, they don’t want meritocracy, they don’t want liberty. They want revenge on me for things I didn’t even do. For things I don’t even agree with and find reprehensible. But that doesn’t matter to them. It doesn’t matter to anyone.

These people took an event(GF) that united all Americans and marched until they could create division. They don't want peace. They want division. Good wants unity and evil wants division. IF all black lives mattered, they would be protesting against the gangs in chicago. Why hasn't there been one protest in the streets of Chicago where most of the killings of black lives takes place?
They also are attacking the very flag that liberated the slaves. These people do not want unity which our flag represents The fact they use the anthem to protest proves they want division, not unity. People of all races have fought for America under our flag.


Corporate America, Academia, Mainstream Media, the entire fricking Government from top to bottom is letting these people do whatever they want. They’re fricking encouraging it.
It fricking sucks. It doesn’t have to be like this. It shouldn’t be like this. Everything I’ve been told is a lie. Everyone has sold us out. And no ones doing a single fricking thing about it.

Trump is doing the best he can. They are fighting him on every front possible. Stand up and support Trump. He is our only hope. The Deep State, RINOs, Dems, MSM, and many groups have been attacking him non-stop for 3.5 years. He needs one more term to put a dent in the Deep State and globalists. IF he does not win, this country will go down quickly.


I just want my fricking country back. I just want my family to be safe. I just want to preserve the history, the ideals, and the traditions that are the building blocks of who I am as a person.

But they won’t let me. This will never stop.

At a certain point, you might as well just become what the Left chooses to label you as. They will never see you differently anyway.

With democrats in control, your family will no longer be safe. They are caving to every demand criminals are making. The real peaceful protestors want law and order. These criminals taking over parts of cities will take over many more places if Biden wins. If you want your family to be safe, then campaign for Trump.
Posted by Lima Whiskey
Member since Apr 2013
20471 posts
Posted on 6/21/20 at 11:29 pm to

It feels like I am being attacked for being who I am. Like I am being erased.

You are
Posted by Sentrius
Fort Rozz
Member since Jun 2011
64757 posts
Posted on 6/21/20 at 11:29 pm to

Corporate America, Academia, Mainstream Media, the entire fricking Government from top to bottom is letting these people do whatever they want. They’re fricking encouraging it.

The solution to this is shutting down the woke factories that these people come from.

IE the college campus.

Make all government backed student loans illegal and seize their endowments to pay down all student loan debt.
Posted by Tantal
Member since Sep 2012
15388 posts
Posted on 6/21/20 at 11:45 pm to
I've reached the point that, while it disgusts me, I may have to become a real trigger puller. Granted, I've done it on paper for 23 years. Still, doing it on an actual human is reprehensible to me, but here we are. It's unfortunate that I didn't cause this, but that someone in Minneapolis wearing the same uniform did.
Posted by Ollieoxenfree99
Member since Aug 2018
7748 posts
Posted on 6/22/20 at 12:05 am to
Posted by TheBob
Member since Jun 2005
16940 posts
Posted on 6/22/20 at 1:11 am to

(Very Long)

Posted by BRgetthenet
Member since Oct 2011
117940 posts
Posted on 6/22/20 at 2:07 am to

Maybe everything I’ve been made to believe about America is a lie in the first place.

Posted by Knight of Old
New Hampshire
Member since Jul 2007
11456 posts
Posted on 6/22/20 at 5:49 am to
Dude - you are not wrong.

Don’t be a quitter...
Posted by themunch
Member since Jan 2007
67655 posts
Posted on 6/22/20 at 6:42 am to
You are not alone patriot
Posted by lsucoonass
shreveport and east texas
Member since Nov 2003
68681 posts
Posted on 6/22/20 at 6:59 am to
I’m ready to gouge an eyeball out and stab while I make that person watch

I hope it doesn’t come to that but I’m ready
Member since Jan 2016
9955 posts
Posted on 6/22/20 at 7:00 am to
Feelings do get in the way.
Posted by RCDfan1950
United States
Member since Feb 2007
35852 posts
Posted on 6/22/20 at 7:12 am to
"I come not to bring peace...but a sword..." (Jesus, re His 'Second Coming').

Pray for mercy; especially if you have dearly-loved people around you.

BTW, I've talked to a lot of people who are of the mindset that you are; they are watching, preparing and becoming more pissed by the day. There will be a breaking point - some event most likely - and it'll snowball from there. Like the 'Arab Spring' thing where a farmer burned himself...or those Syrian teenager wrote anti-government graffiti on the wall and were whacked by the government.

It'll likely be some for of 'martial law' after the election, fast if Trump wins...and slower if Biden wins. 'Wining' of course, to be in the eye of the beholder; as electoral legitimacy will be absent.

Good luck. Or God speed. You are honest; that's something.
Posted by GeauxFightingTigers1
Member since Oct 2016
12574 posts
Posted on 6/22/20 at 7:22 am to

I want it to be clear that I do not actually believe any human being is better than any another human being solely because of their skin color.

Funny, I think the exact opposite.

Obviously, races have different genetic structures which give them certain traits which in some cases might be positive or negative comparatively to other races. To deny this would be ignorant.

The lie is we should all pretend that there is no bias based on whatever color you are, this goes for everyone. I tend to try as much as possible to ignore skin color but it also depends on the situation.

I also think its impossible to say everyone should like everyone else - its a lie. I actually see nothing wrong with a person that doesn't like white people or black people or orange people (generally speaking), however, for people to actually function in a society there has to be level of human respect.

As far as the government, we're all the government, the government and their subdivisions should be color blind. Meaning if someone is being discriminated against, we as a society and being a part of the government should take steps to remedy.

We don't owe anyone acceptance, we do have some measured responsibility to not interfere with others pursuit of life, liberty and happiness.

Posted by DeLis503
Member since Apr 2020
4 posts
Posted on 6/22/20 at 7:41 am to

If it has to be us or them. So be it. My answer will always be US.

This is all you needed to say. It sums up everything and defines who you are. Rather than behave like a petulant child, make an effort to educate yourself.
Posted by TenWheelsForJesus
Member since Jan 2018
7494 posts
Posted on 6/22/20 at 8:13 am to
Well said.

We are being attacked for things we never did. The rhetoric always precedes the violence. We are being demonized for simply being born. Learn from history. Don't be like the Jews in Nazi Germany or the Whites in South Africa. Pay attention to what the mobs are saying. They mean what they say. Don't pretend that it can't happen to you.

Prepare yourselves. I'm not willing to go gentle into that good night or to ignore what is happening in hope it passes. There are many people in this country that want us dead just because we exist. The response, when it is necessary, must be quick and extreme. I hope the good people are ready and willing.
Posted by pcolatiger28
Pensacola, Fl
Member since Apr 2009
1284 posts
Posted on 6/22/20 at 8:15 am to
Manzielathon, you’re not alone. I posted this back on 6/4/20. We’re here, we’re watching, we’re listening, and when the sh!t hits the fan, the patriots will prevail.

My post on 6/4/20

Guys, I don’t think I’ve ever felt this alone in my life. I really don’t know anyone who sees things from an awakened perspective. It’s hard for me to relate to others as their views are so controlled and influenced.

I don’t bombard people with my views nor do I go to the extreme if asked. I try and lead with truth and facts, but tread lightly. However, people are so dug in and biased, even hard facts and encouragement is met with resistance. All I can hope to do is plant seeds and move on.

I’m over the virtue signaling, white guilt, trump hate, leftist agenda, far reaching political ideologies, defense of riots and looting, people saying we need to bring awareness but not really open to conversation, quick to attack each other society, blinded by the news and social media zombies, corrupt government (deep state), Christian hating, panderers, Bandwagoners, faux compassion for the latest headlines, insecure self loving society.

Even the side that I can relate to the most, conservatives, are still beholden to the media and not open for alternate theories or even want to leave their comfort zone to explore factual reality. Truth has no appeal to people anymore. Algorithms send them news and opinion that fits their beliefs and they stay in the bubble. They pick a side and follow blindly as if you have to pick a side.

I needed to vent but it seems like most people I know fit the above. I can’t look at Facebook anymore, not that I do much but when I do, it sickens me. Covid and race arguments have taken over all media. It makes me wonder what’s happening as people are consumed with likes and fitting in with the crowd.

Do any of you want to rocket to another planet or just roll out to Alaska and live somewhat remote? Apologies again as I really am feeling alone in this world.
Posted by deltaland
Member since Mar 2011
92714 posts
Posted on 6/22/20 at 8:26 am to
This war isn’t about race. Normal people of all races who lean left, moderate, or right wing who believe in liberty, the constitution, capitalism and free speech need to join together and fight these radical Marxist groups. This is an attempt at a socialist revolution. We need to defeat them and those that fund them. Let institutions and corporations know we won’t be silenced or told what to do by Marxists. We need a united front of patriots willing to preserve what our ancestors fought to build. We did not defeat the British, survive a civil war, defeat Fascism and Communism, win Civil Rights movement, and become the most diverse and most wealthy nation just to end up being a socialist dystopia
Posted by Nigel Farage
South of the Mason-Dixon
Member since Dec 2019
1213 posts
Posted on 6/22/20 at 9:17 am to
Im with you man, the last few months have been so blackpilling for me as a person. We have seen so many civil liberties rolled back all in the name of the Coronavirus and it seemed like it was the right choice at first. Then we learned it wasnt as deadly as was once thought but much like everything else has been politicized and weaponized against right wingers.

Then came the stimulus bill, 2 trillion dollars spent with so much of it going to these corporate bastards who had no use for it while mainstream America continued to decline. The corporate America that HATES conservatives and actively donates to candidates who oppose right wingers. Most idiots on this board still support these bastards because muh free market, what a fricking joke. Hell I still havent gotten my 1200 I am owed and I always pay my taxes early, why does an average person like me continue to get screwed while these billion dollar companies just continue to rape middle America with no recourse?

Then came George Floyd, the fact that I am going to remember this criminals name the rest of my life because he became some kind of icon angers me to no end. He didnt deserve what happened to him but society has just decided he is some kind of saint. Now these people are tearing down and defacing statues and monuments of people they disagree with. It started with the confederate monuments and they said it was only about them. But now a George Washington statue has been torn down and defaced as has a Francis Scott Key and a Ulysses S Grant statue has been torn down and now its Teddy Roosevelt, my favorite president and a personal hero of mine. Speaking of personal heros another one is Winston Churchill, they had to put his statue in a metal box to hide it from the BLM crowd. This virus has spread out of the US and has infected Europe and it seems to be getting worse and the white people who willingly ignore the afro-marxist origins of the movement are the worst part.

They are ok with these actions not realizing that the end goal of this is the destruction of white America and that eventually the blm crowd will come for them also. All the while we have had Republicans rolling over and not standing up against the mob. There is nobody who is fighting for your typical white conservative, instead we get vilified for things we never did and are expected to kneel before these tyrants. Republican leaders are the biggest cowards in America we have today, I have never hated them more than I do now. I did political work for Republicans in Georgia for a few years so I got a decent inside look at how things operated here and how they thought. What I saw disgusted me so much I had to leave it for my own sanity.

I used to love America for all of its problems but this is not the case anymore. We have been subverted from within by people who hate us and Republicans have stood by as our modern Rome burns. Speaking of Rome it is said that Nero played his violin singing while the city burned, its so eerily similar to Trump sitting on his fricking phone sending out a bunch of useless tweets as the country collapses in on itself.

Speaking of Trump, this a-hole wasted his first two years when he had a republican senate and house and the only major thing that got done was tax breaks. He didnt fight for his wall with them, he hasnt pulled out of Nato, he is still arming the Saudis andhe couldnt stop 3rd world immigration because of kangaroo courts on the other side of the country legislating from the bench. I am going to vote from Trump again in November but I will not vote for a single other Republican.

I have played around with the idea of starting a Nationalist organization to defend our monuments and history from these mobs. If America is doomed, then I would rather go out fighting then relying on these cowards who call themselves conservatives who havent conserved shite.
This post was edited on 6/22/20 at 9:31 am
Posted by Breesus
House of the Rising Sun
Member since Jan 2010
67023 posts
Posted on 6/22/20 at 9:19 am to
This is a weird post man.

I legitimately think you should talk to someone professionally.

I love this site and this board, but sometimes it just gets weird.
This post was edited on 6/22/20 at 9:20 am
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