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re: Special Counsel Mueller Impanels Washington Grand Jury in Russia Probe

Posted on 8/3/17 at 9:52 pm to
Posted by Jbird
In Bidenville with EthanL
Member since Oct 2012
73559 posts
Posted on 8/3/17 at 9:52 pm to

More Americans voted for the worst Democratic candidate in the history of the nation then the worst Republican candidate. That is a fact. Showing maps of empty land doesn't change that fact.
Posted by AU_Right
Member since Oct 2016
3048 posts
Posted on 8/3/17 at 9:52 pm to

Sorry I must of missed the response...I will go look for it.

It would be terrific if people would discuss shite instead of yelling over each other all the time.

I'm out as of this moment...about bedtime. check in tomorrow.
Posted by Wild Thang
YAW YAW Fooball Nation
Member since Jun 2009
44181 posts
Posted on 8/3/17 at 9:53 pm to

It would be terrific if people would discuss shite instead of yelling over each other all the time.



Did the friendly neighborhood Republican just say this?

Oh my!!!

That is so rich!!

Holy shite!

Thanks for that. It was breathtaking
Posted by Strannix
District 11
Member since Dec 2012
49169 posts
Posted on 8/3/17 at 9:53 pm to

Why are comparing surface area to population? Do you not know how units of measure works?

I'll take 1 tax paying landowner over a 100,000 section 8 leeches any day of the week, frick the urban ghetto democrat hives, they're worthless anyway
Posted by asurob1
On the edge of the galaxy
Member since May 2009
26971 posts
Posted on 8/3/17 at 9:54 pm to


So that poll that says 61 percent of the country thinks Trump is doing a shite job right?

The fact is, he isn't getting much done, and certainly not most of what he promised to do.
Posted by Jbird
In Bidenville with EthanL
Member since Oct 2012
73559 posts
Posted on 8/3/17 at 9:56 pm to

So that poll that says 61 percent of the country thinks Trump is doing a shite job right?
What is your point?


The fact is, he isn't getting much done, and certainly not most of what he promised to do.
Aren't you happy Mister Republican?
Posted by asurob1
On the edge of the galaxy
Member since May 2009
26971 posts
Posted on 8/3/17 at 10:00 pm to

The fact is, he isn't getting much done, and certainly not most of what he promised to do.
Aren't you happy Mister Republican?

Not really.

I do not want to see our nation become stagnant. I sure as hell don't want to spend the next 3 and a half years watching Trump stumble over his tweets. Watching the president of the United States lie hurts the nation. Makes us look weak as a country. Or did you think its a coincidence that NK is suddenly tossing ICBMs into the Sea of Japan.

There is more to being the leader of the free world then calling your opponents names.

I do not think Trump has the right stuff to lead. Never have.
Posted by Jbird
In Bidenville with EthanL
Member since Oct 2012
73559 posts
Posted on 8/3/17 at 10:09 pm to

Or did you think its a coincidence that NK is suddenly tossing ICBMs into the Sea of Japan.
Posted by WhiskeyPapa
Member since Aug 2016
9277 posts
Posted on 8/3/17 at 10:12 pm to

Why is that in any way germane to what happens in the country in the next few years?

Because this entire board believes that Trump is wildly popular with the entire country.

That isn't true and you must know it. So what? The Constitution empowers the president. He is not easily displaced by whiners like you.
Posted by Spock's Eyebrow
Member since May 2012
12300 posts
Posted on 8/3/17 at 10:13 pm to

Should I get my popcorn now or can I wait till it goes on sale?

Posted by WhiskeyPapa
Member since Aug 2016
9277 posts
Posted on 8/3/17 at 10:15 pm to

I do not think Trump has the right stuff to lead. Never have.

And your avatar is Ronald Reagan?

Reagan was one of the worst presidents we've had.

The decline of the United States as a moral and economic force in the world, which surely anyone can see, started with the Reagan Administration.
Posted by buckeye_vol
Member since Jul 2014
35255 posts
Posted on 8/3/17 at 10:26 pm to

The decline of the United States as a moral and economic force in the world, which surely anyone can see, started with the Reagan Administration.
We've declined as an economic force? I mean you could argue that China has gained significantly, but that corresponds to their increased participation in the global market.

In 1980, our GDP accounted for 26.85% of the global GDP, and in 1989 it accounted for 26.59%. In 2015, if accounted for 24.61%. So it's slightly lower, but that's more of a result of growth in other nations (e.g., China, India), rather than our decline. We're still right around 25% though.

So what is your basis for this remark about our economic decline?
Posted by asurob1
On the edge of the galaxy
Member since May 2009
26971 posts
Posted on 8/3/17 at 10:37 pm to

And your avatar is Ronald Reagan?

Reagan was one of the worst presidents we've had.

The decline of the United States as a moral and economic force in the world, which surely anyone can see, started with the Reagan Administration.

You know.

I already suspected you were out of your mind.

You have removed all doubt.

I didn't agree with all of Reagan's policies.

But he remains the greatest American president of my lifetime.

The guy knew how to lead. Hell he knew how to keep his own party in line which is why he got shite done.

Donald could learn a lot from Reagan's leadership style.
Posted by HailHailtoMichigan!
Mission Viejo, CA
Member since Mar 2012
69499 posts
Posted on 8/3/17 at 10:42 pm to
rob, what were your views on dukakis?
Posted by Sentrius
Fort Rozz
Member since Jun 2011
64757 posts
Posted on 8/3/17 at 10:45 pm to

Hell he knew how to keep his own party in line which is why he got shite done.

I love Ronald Reagan but to be fair here, that was much easier to do when republicans if I remember correctly never had control of both houses of Congress at the same time during his two terms.

And that was a far more civil time when politicians weren't the complete sorry and pathetic displays of gluttony and laziness they are today and they didn't have to be called out like Trump has been doing for two years now.
Posted by Errerrerrwere
Member since Aug 2015
38534 posts
Posted on 8/3/17 at 10:48 pm to

Well a popular vote correlates much better with the EC vote than a binary County level results.

Even though this was 1 of only 4 elections with a popular vote EC split (1824 the candidate with the most PV and EC lost by a house vote instead), and this was the largest popular vote victory with an EC loss, it still is much closer to the EC result (16.4% difference) than the county level result with the EC (54.4% difference).

So you can refute the Popular Vote with the fact that the EC vote decides the election, BUT using the county vote is just a terrible representation, far worse than using the PV. And the map representation is when worse.
You see the electoral votes ARE THE NEWTONS!
So why not use that instead of the terrible county map that is the absolute worst representation?

The EC is a proxy for population at least, as it derived by population proportion.

So, you fricks are making Muh adjustments on the counties TRUMP WON?

You see, I'm literally fricking amazed. It's not just with climate data. You fricks have been hypnotized or some shite, that you ARE NOW MAKING ADJUSTMENTS TO TOTAL frickING VOTES CAST!

You fricks are sick...
Posted by asurob1
On the edge of the galaxy
Member since May 2009
26971 posts
Posted on 8/3/17 at 10:50 pm to

rob, what were your views on dukakis?

nuff said.
Posted by asurob1
On the edge of the galaxy
Member since May 2009
26971 posts
Posted on 8/3/17 at 10:54 pm to

I love Ronald Reagan but to be fair here, that was much easier to do when republicans if I remember correctly never had control of both houses of Congress at the same time during his two terms.

Yes and no.

I was young then and just getting involved in politics...the left HATED Reagan to the extreme...but he still got shite done and did it without all the name calling and threats of our current president...(though I'm sure shite went down behind closed doors).


And that was a far more civil time when politicians weren't the complete sorry and pathetic displays of gluttony and laziness they are today and they didn't have to be called out like Trump has been doing for two years now.

Most of Trump's inability is on Trump. You simply cannot make enemies of everyone and expect to get anything done. He needs to sort his shite out.
Posted by WhiskeyPapa
Member since Aug 2016
9277 posts
Posted on 8/4/17 at 6:59 am to
8 reasons why Ronald Reagan was the worst president of our lifetime

If you ever happen to come across a Republican on television these days, chances are that you will hear the name Ronald Reagan. Recent Republican debates are the perfect example of the love fest that the current Republican party has for Reagan as each candidate name drops the former president at every turn. If you only listened to conservatives you would think that Jesus Christ was the only person above Reagan on the totem pole of conservative love. They talk about his love of low taxes, less government and conservative family values. The problem is that when you step out of the conservative dream and come back to reality, you find that not only was Ronald Reagan a bad president, but he was one of the worst presidents we've seen in modern times. Reagan's policies have destroyed the United States for three decades, and for the eight years he was in office, here are eight reasons why Ronald Reagan was the worst president of our lifetime.

1. Reagan cut taxes for the Rich, increased taxes on the Middle Class -

Ronald Reagan is loved by conservatives and was loved by big business throughout his presidency and there's a reason for it. When Reagan came into office in January of 1981, the top tax rate was 70%, but when he left office in 1989 the top tax rate was down to only 28%. As Reagan gave the breaks to all his rich friends, there was a lack of revenue coming into the federal government. In order to bring money back into the government, Reagan was forced to raise taxes eleven times throughout his time in office. One example was when he signed into law the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982. Reagan raised taxes seven of the eight years he was in office and the tax increases were felt hardest by the lower and middle class.

2. Tripling the National Debt -

As Reagan cut taxes for the wealthy, the government was left with less money to spend. When Reagan came into office the national debt was $900 billion, by the time he left the national debt had tripled to $2.8 trillion.

3. Iran/Contra -

In 1986, a group of Americans were being held hostage by a terrorist group with ties to Iran. In an attempt to free the hostages, Ronald Reagan secretly sold arms and money to Iran. Much of the money that was received from the trade went to fund the Nicaragua Contra rebels who were in a war with the Sandinista government of Nicaragua. When the scandal broke in the Untied States it became the biggest story in the country, Reagan tried to down play what happened, but never fully recovered.

4. Reagan funded Terrorists -

The attacks on 9/11 by al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden brought new attention to international terrorism. All of a sudden, Americans coast to coast wore their American flag pins, ate their freedom fries and couldn't wait to go to war with anyone who looked like a Muslim. What Americans didn't realize was that the same group that attacked the United States on 9/11 was funded by Ronald Reagan in the 1980s. Prepping for a possible war with the Soviet Union, Ronald Reagan spent billions of dollars funding the Islamist mujahidin Freedom Fighters in Afghanistan. With billions of American dollars, weapons and training coming their way, the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden took everything they were given and gave it back to the United States over a decade later in the worst possible way imaginable.

5. Unemployment issues -

When Ronald Reagan came into office 1981, unemployment was at 7.5%. After Reagan cut taxes for the wealthy, he began raising taxes on the middle and lower class. Corporations started to ship more jobs out of the United States while hiring cheap foreign labor in order to make a bigger profit. While corporations made billions, Americans across the country lost their jobs. As 1982 came to a close, unemployment was nearly 11%. Unemployment began to drop as the years went on, but the jobs that were created were low paying and barely helped people make ends meet. The middle and lower class had their wages nearly frozen as the top earners saw dramatic increases in salary.

6. Ignoring AIDS -

By the time the 1980s came around, AIDS had become one of the most frightening things to happen to the country in recent memory. No one understood what AIDS and HIV really was and when people don't understand something, they become scared of it. The fear of the unknown was sweeping across the country and Americans needed a leader to speak out about this horrible virus, that leader never came. Instead of grabbing the bull by the horns and taking charge, Reagan kept quiet. Reagan couldn't say the words AIDS or HIV until seven years into his presidency, a leader not so much.

7. Reagan gave amnesty to 3 million Undocumented Immigrants -

In today's GOP, the idea of any immigrant staying in the United States whether they are legal or illegal isn't something that conservatives embrace. What might shock them is that in 1982 Ronald Reagan gave nearly 3 million undocumented workers amnesty. The biggest reason for undocumented workers coming to the United States is because corporations hire them at a cheaper rate than they would an American citizen. All the laws that would have cracked down on companies who hire undocumented workers were, of course, removed from the bill.

8. His attack on Unions and the Middle Class - The Republican war on unions and the middle class has been heating up in states like Wisconsin and Ohio, but it has been going on for a long time. Unions are formed to give a united voice to the workers in an attempt to create fairness between the corporations and their employees. On August 3rd, 1981, PATCO (Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization) went on strike in an effort to get better pay and safer working conditions. Two days later, taking the side of business, Ronald Reagan fired 11,345 workers for not returning to work."

This post was edited on 8/4/17 at 7:04 am
Posted by WhiskeyPapa
Member since Aug 2016
9277 posts
Posted on 8/4/17 at 7:28 am to
6 Ways You Didn't Realize Ronald Reagan Ruined The Country

Given the nature of this article, it would border on bad taste for me to mention that this past Sunday marked the 12th anniversary of the death of Conservative Republican Godhead Ronald Reagan, but alas, I just did. That said, he'd merit a mention even if I didn't still have a bunch of decorations to take down, solely on the strength of all the comparisons the Donald Trump candidacy has drawn to that of Reagan's.

I sincerely hope the comparisons end at the candidate stage for a whole bunch of reasons, but one especially: If you ask me, Ronald Reagan was the worst goddamn president this country has elected to date. I talk about that on this week's Unpopular Opinion podcast ...

... where I'm joined by my Cracked co-workers Alex Schmidt and Tom Reimann. It's also what I'm talking about in this column today. Here goes!

Statistically Speaking, His Administration Was The Most Corrupt Ever

If we're talking pure numbers, there really isn't anything to argue about when it comes to which administration oversaw this country in the shadiest manner. Reagan wins that hands down. During his time in office, an astounding 138 members of his team were investigated, indicted, or convicted for their roles in various scandals. You could argue that merely being investigated shouldn't count, but that would be a stupid argument. Of course being investigated counts. Plenty of people live their entire lives without being the subject of an investigation of any sort, you know?

Even if you did take that part out of the equation, the number of Reagan administration officials who were convicted of wrongdoing of some sort is astonishing, especially when compared with the statistics of famously "corrupt" presidents like Nixon or Clinton. This list on just references those who were convicted of crimes that related to the jobs they performed as part of the administration. There are 21 names on the list. A similar list about the Nixon presidency would only produce eight names. Clinton's would have just one.

It's not just that a lot of scandals plagued the Reagan presidency; it's that they were gigantic scandals. Remember the Iran-Contra affair? If so, it's probably just the part where Oliver North's testimony somehow made him a celebrity.

The details of the controversy were slightly less charming. Basically, senior Reagan administration officials agreed to sell arms to Iran in exchange for the release of American hostages being held in Lebanon. So much for not negotiating with terrorists, am I right, Reagan fanboys? Oh, they also used some of the profits from those arms deals to fund Contra forces in Nicaragua, who were hoping to topple the socialist government in that country.

We didn't know about "Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Select, Start" back then.

There were two huge problems with this scheme. For one, we had an arms embargo in place with Iran, meaning those sales were illegal. For two, Congress had recently passed the Boland Amendment, which prohibited the use of government money to fund the Contras. In other words, it was a huge deal, what with all of the circumventing of the law and whatnot. The jury is still out on whether Reagan had direct knowledge of the scheme, but it's almost worse if he didn't. Keep your subordinates in order, for frick's sake. And this was just one of the massive scandals that happened on his watch. Another highlight was the Savings and Loan Scandal, which bled taxpayers of around $150 billion.

Also, not to point fingers or anything, but the first Space Shuttle explosion happened while he was in office. I mean, sure, it's probably a bit of a stretch to pin that on him, but still, it happened. Besides, it's not just scandals that made Reagan impressively terrible for the country. His policies were garbage, too! For example ...

"Reaganomics" Are Still Screwing Us

A lot of different names have been assigned to the fiscal policy that Ronald Reagan unleashed on the world. During the 1980 Republican Primaries, George H.W. Bush called it "Voodoo Economics." As awesome as that sounds, it wasn't a compliment. The most textbook-sounding name for it is "Supply-Side Economics." But the most commonly used label is "Reaganomics." Whatever you call it, the basic thinking is that wealthy people are job creators, and the best way to boost a sluggish economy is to cut taxes on those job creators so they can, you know, create more jobs. In other words, the good fortune of the nation's richest citizens would eventually trickle down to the less well-off parts of society.

Did it work? That depends on whom you ask. If you were rich at the time, it absolutely worked. Stock markets were booming, corporations were raking in windfall profits, people were doing lots of coke."

His Stance On Labor Unions Destroyed The Middle Class

You know what used to be the shite? Going on strike. For decades, the American workers' go-to method of ensuring they were taken care of on the job was choosing not to work until their demands were met. Using the ever-present threat of mass work stoppages as leverage, union leaders were able to negotiate on the behalf of workers to make sure their wages and benefits improved as long as productivity and profits increased.

For the most part, this practice came to a screeching halt in the '80s under Reagan, which is the exact opposite of what he promised would happen when he was running for president. Sure, he was a former actor, but he was also president of the Screen Actors Guild for a while. Even better, he was the first person in that role to lead his troops into a strike. However, the fact that he eventually settled that strike in a way which was so beneficial to the other side that fellow actors like Bob Hope and Mickey Rooney labeled it "The Great Giveaway" was mostly left out of that discussion....

the law forbidding government workers from striking, was that the walk-off constituted a "peril to national safety," as if having to find and train thousands of new air traffic controllers overnight wasn't going to cause any problems. It definitely did. While the feds were able to get around 50 percent of scheduled flights back in the sky in relatively short order, it took a full decade before federal air traffic controllers reached the training and staffing levels they'd been at prior to the dispute."


More at the link.

Reagan was a bum.

The amount of law breaking undertaken by and for Reagan is stupendous.
This post was edited on 8/4/17 at 7:32 am
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