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re: ASOIAF: Your predictions for book 6? Paging all Maesters.

Posted on 10/20/14 at 8:25 pm to
Posted by Scruffy
Kansas City
Member since Jul 2011
72406 posts
Posted on 10/20/14 at 8:25 pm to

I think Arya might somehow have to fall out with the faceless men. She can'tstay with them and keep her identity and overall character. She's my favorite storyline as well.
That is the only way I think she falls.

I just don't want her to fall.
Posted by ladytiger118
Member since Aug 2009
20922 posts
Posted on 10/20/14 at 8:29 pm to
The Dany scenes will be bad for the next 2 seasons .
Posted by iwyLSUiwy
I'm your huckleberry
Member since Apr 2008
34804 posts
Posted on 10/20/14 at 8:32 pm to

I'm pretty sure everyone believes Jon is still kicking.

Posted by iwyLSUiwy
I'm your huckleberry
Member since Apr 2008
34804 posts
Posted on 10/20/14 at 8:36 pm to

I think Arya might somehow have to fall out with the faceless men. She can'tstay with them and keep her identity and overall character. She's my favorite storyline as well.

Well, she's got needle in the back of her mind still
Posted by John McClane
Member since Apr 2010
36746 posts
Posted on 10/20/14 at 8:40 pm to

2. So the mountain is definitely going to have some supernatural/dead but alive/weird transformation thing going on. GoT/HBO even set that one up. Side note: I hate Qyburn.

He's already around in book 5
Posted by John McClane
Member since Apr 2010
36746 posts
Posted on 10/20/14 at 8:42 pm to

Also, I need more Pate. He melts, you don't hear from him in 4 books and then, boom, he's back. I guess it's somebody pretending to be him?

Yes, it is a faceless man, likely Jaqen
Posted by OMLandshark
Member since Apr 2009
110032 posts
Posted on 10/20/14 at 8:46 pm to
This will be a long post, but I'll dissect what I think will happen by arcs:


Cersei will win her trial with Ser Robert Strong, but Margeary will lose her trial with the Faith. Cersei "convinces" the High Septon to keep her alive and in the crown's custody to pay for her sins, and the High Septon "agrees". Cersei then demands that Mace Tyrell leaves the city and attacks Storm's End to put this new usurper in his place. She also sends out a large amount of Lannister men to bring back Jaime and kill Brienne.

Jaime and Brienne somehow manage to escape Stoneheart, and Jaime will hear of Aegon's return and Myrcella's death. They will have been tracked down at this point by the men Cersei sent after them. Jaime will survive, but Brienne will be mortally wounded and die. Jaime will then march towards Storm's End and pledge fealty to Aegon. Aegon is pressured by some of his advisors to execute Jaime for killing his grandfather, but Jaime will promise him that he could bring in the Westerlands without issue and also that Tommen is his own son. He begs for Aegon to spare Tommen's life and legitimize him as a Lannister and Lord of Casterly Rock, and to do so in order to avoid doing what Jaime's father did in butchering children. Aegon agrees.

Aegon's army eventually arrives at the gates of King's Landing, and Varys is able to sneak out all the prisoners and hostages that Cersei holds, with the exception of Tommen, who Varys claims is being directly guarded by Ser Robert Strong at all times. Jaime realizes that he must enter the Red Keep and save Tommen himself. He follows Varys into the bowels of the Red Keep, and Varys taunts him about history repeating itself, and that Cersei has rigged the whole city to blow in case Aegon were to take the city.

The Tyrell guards open up the city gates for Aegon, and the Faith Militant joins in as well. Cersei takes Tommen with her and orders Qyburn to burn the city down. Jaime kills Qyburn on his way to rescue Tommen. Cersei then poisons Tommen on the Iron Throne. The second Tommen dies, Jaime walks in and sees him lying there. Cersei is completely mad and overjoyed to see him, thinking that they'll die together. Jaime instead asks Cersei if she knows why he actually killed Aerys. Cersei is confused and says for the sake of the family, but Jaime then goes into detail on why he actually killed him. Slowly but surely Cersei will realize that Jaime is there to kill her and that she has turned into Aerys. Jaime will then tell Cersei that he secured Tommen's survival and that Tommen would have inherited the Rock and their legacy, and then proceeds to strangle her.

Varys then has Jaime arrested for kinslaying, and plans to have him executed. Jon Connington then enters the city, and despite loathing Jaime, felt Varys had double crossed Jaime as well. Connington then assumes his position as Hand of the King, and Samwell (more on him later) comes in and says they have an urgent message from the Wall. The Others have broken through the Wall and need every single man to save the kingdom. Connington has been suspicious of Varys throughout the book, and Jon Snow's first name makes a light bulb go off in Connington's head: Jon is Rhaegar's son. He tells Sam to release Jaime Lannister from his cell and flee north with utmost hast, since no one could be trusted with this information. Connington musters the strength to visit Varys and kill him, but it turns out that Varys had already poisoned him and planned on framing Sam. Varys taunts him in death telling him that he played him his entire life, and the Blackfyres had now taken the throne fully, and that he would kill the two remaining Targaryens. Connington then dies thinking that he failed Rhaegar and think that Jon Snow's name was the hint to him that he was the true heir he needed to protect.


The Battle of Meereen will commence, Barristan will nearly be killed in battle by Victarion, but Viscerion will narrowly save Barristan from certain death. Dany will come in with a whole Khal behind her. Tyrion will be able to meet with her once she gets back in Meereen, and is furious to see that Jorah and Brown Ben are the people with Tyrion, who she'll also despise instantly. He'll quickly call her out on her bullshite, all of which Barristan identifies as unfortunately true. Dany will want to execute all 3 of them, but Barristan will tell her what they say is true and that she can not afford to execute Tyrion, because of his knowledge and the fact that he can train her dragons for her.

Tyrion is able to make quick work of the dragons, and they depart for Westeros. Once they leave the Gulf of Grief, they are greeted by the Navy of Qarth and New Ghis, who wipe out half of Dany's ships. One of the captains of the ships taunts Dany and Tyrion and says that hundreds of ships are on their way from the Free Cities as well as reinforcements from New Ghis and Qarth, and that they'll wipe them out regardless. They will think that they're certainly doomed, but Tyrion says that in order to live, their only shot is sailing through Valyria, since the other ships will sail around the peninsula instead of through it, and they'll miss the entire force. The crewmen are scared shitless, but Dany agrees that that is their only chance at survival.

They arrive in Old Valyria and stop. Tyrion is able to find Brightroar, and Dany discovers some ancient secret about dragons, the Doom of Valyria, and her destiny. Suddenly some dark forces attack, and Dany loses several ships in the process, as well as Barristan who sacrifices himself for her. They make it through Valyria, and sail to Westeros completely unopposed.

When they arrive on Dragonstone, they find out that the small folk are scared shitless of her and are doing everything in their power to keep her and her dragons away from the mainland. With Aegon victorious, and the North looking like it's on the up (more on that next), they think Dany is Aerys and Cersei come again. They will then receive a raven from Jon Snow to Dragonstone warning them of the Others and to bring all the troops they can. Tyrion tells Dany there is no hope for them to outright conquer Westeros even with her 3 dragons, but that they can save the realm and win the loyalty of the people through that, since he's sure both Littlefinger and Varys will do nothing to save the realm. Dany decides that's the only logical choice, and begins drawing up plans to defeat the Others.
This post was edited on 10/21/14 at 10:40 am
Posted by OMLandshark
Member since Apr 2009
110032 posts
Posted on 10/20/14 at 8:47 pm to

Sansa grows ever more concerned about SweetRobin's health. One night he goes into a fit, and doesn't come out of it. Sansa is able to get him to smile one more time, but then she looks into his eyes, and realizes that while his face smiled, his eyes did not, just like LF. When SweetRobin dies, Sansa confronts LF with this, and he admits to Sansa that Robert was his, but fakes remorse. Sansa wants to believe he's remorseful, but she doubts it, even if she tries not to entertain the idea.

She finally meets Harry the Heir, and he turns out to be a sexist stupid pig she despises. LF tells Sansa that in order to get home, that she must marry him, so she reluctantly goes to the alter, marries him, and he is a complete arse in the bedroom when he takes her virginity.

While this is going on, Stoneheart is able to not only intercept the Frey hostages who are being delivered to King's Landing, but also take over Riverrun who massacre the Frey and Lannister men stationed there. Walder Frey will then summon his liege lord LF to protect the Twins, and Cersei will also demand that LF and the Freys go and take back the North from Stannis. LF will humbly agree. He will instruct Harry the Heir to stay behind in the Vale, and take Sansa and the rest of the Vale army with him.

When they arrive at the Twins, LF, Sansa and their army will enter and eat their bread, but they'll proceed to massacre the Twins anyway and kill everyone. Black Walder and some of the remaining Freys will try to flee South and into the woods, but then proceed to all be eaten alive by Nymeria's murderous pack. The sack will be brutal, and everyone but the remaining hostages (including GreatJon Umber) will be slaughtered. Sansa will be very disturbed by the massacre, but GreatJon will immediately crown her as the Queen in the North.

The Riverland houses come to swear fealty to her and LF, but Sansa will be shaken by the massacre at the Twins. LF will then say she has a soft heart, and then everything will click, and she'll call him out on it. LF told Joffrey to kill her father, that he had her poison his own son, and that he has orchestrated the destruction of her family in order to take over everything they held dear. While he denies for a second, when he realizes he's not going to convince her, he drops his whole fake personality, and shows her what a true monster he is for the first time and taunts her over what he's done. He then proceeds to rape Sansa knowing that she's no longer a virgin.

They then march north to Moat Cailyn, and the sentries there welcome Sansa Stark back, but they tell LF that Rickon and Bran Stark are still alive, that Jon Snow has risen from the dead legitimized as a Stark, and that they received a raven that the Others have broken through the Wall and are glad to see that the Vale and the Riverlands have brought forces to defend the realm. LF then gets abusive of Sansa again, and Sansa knows that he's plotting again to kill every member of her family.

Jon Snow/Theon

All hell will ensue once Jon is murdered and the Night's Watch will be even weaker. Jon will be in the void between being a warg and dead. I think he'll have visions of Ned and a tower long fallen, but Melisandre will give him the kiss of life and awaken him. Once she does, the Others will begin attacking the Wall, and all sides come together to defend it.

During the battle, an unknown group comes to the Wall, and asks to speak with the Lord Commander. The group introduce themselves as Howland Reed, Jason Mallister, and Maege Mormont and present two scrolls in front of Jon, one with a Stark seal and the other with a Targaryen seal. He opens the Stark seal first and sees that Robb has announced him as his heir. Then he opens the Targaryen seal and sees the signatures of Rhaegar Targaryen, Arthur Dayne, Gerold Hightower, Oswell Whent, and Lyanna Stark announcing that the child born to her is the rightful heir to Rhaegar Targaryen. Having heard of Aegon in the South, Jon is at first in denial about it, and still denounces his claim since he believes his half brother is still alive and still the rightful heir, but he continues to deny it and denounces it for the time being.

Stannis will then arrive back at the wall with Theon and Asha in tow, the former of which was spared because Bran was able to speak out through the weirwood. When they arrived in Winterfell, Manderly and House Dustin men had already killed Roose and most the Freys, although the Bastard and many of the Bolton men escaped. Davos also returns with a living Rickon. Melisandre breaks the news to Stannis that he is no longer Azor Ahai, and that Jon is the true rightful heir to the Seven Kingdoms, and will bring forth Lightbringer. Stannis is furious, and goes to the Nightfort with his men to defend the Others from there.

Theon and Jon finally talk, and while it is awkward, Jon pities Theon and forgives him. Theon tells him he'd make a good king and that he must rise to his destiny. Jon only thinks his destiny is to protect the Wall, and even if he is a Targaryen, Aegon is still in front of him. Jon also rigs the Wall to blow just in case some of the Others break through it that he can still form a retreat for his men to fight another day.

When the Others have almost broken through the Wall, Ramsay finally arrives at the Wall, and demands the people he is owed, or he'll wipe out the Night's Watch. Jon and Ramsay engage in a duel, where Jon finally begins to accept that he may be Rhaegar's son. But the Others begin crawling over the Walls, and the Bolton men flee, leaving Ramsay alone, where he is taken and killed by the Others. Jon and his men try to defend the Wall briefly, but they realize they must flee. Theon agrees to stay behind in order to save Jon and fight another day. Theon lights the Wall on fire to his own death, and Jon flees south and hopes that the South is sending reinforcements.
This post was edited on 1/25/15 at 10:41 am
Posted by OMLandshark
Member since Apr 2009
110032 posts
Posted on 10/20/14 at 8:47 pm to

Bran first is able to look in the past and see Ned confess to the Heart Tree that Jon is actually not his son but Lyanna's. Eventually, Bran sees that something is up with the Children, and figures out that they're the ones behind the Others rising again, and Bloodraven directly help them awaken the Great Other to destroy men as one last piece of vengeance for destroying the Children. Bran and co try to flee, but Jojen is killed. Bran then faces the elements by himself.


Honestly, no idea what happens to her. I really have no clue where her arc is going besides tragedy.


Arrianne heads north to meet with Aegon. He eventually agrees to marry her for her father's army. Sometime before or after that, Myrcella is killed by an agent of Varys or Littlefinger. After that agreement, however, the Tyrells arrive at Storm's End and wish to treat with Aegon. They also wish to have Margeary married to Aegon, but since he's already engaged to Arianne this is a problem. His advisors say it's impossible, but Aegon disagrees and says that he will usher in his new dynasty the same way Aegon the First did with two wives. The High Septon from a distance agrees to annul Margeary's marriage to Tommen once Jaime arrives to try and secure his life.

Once Aegon has conquered King's Landing, Arianne will be there for the crowning. Ser Robert Strong still serves the new king, but as soon as the Wall is broken through by the Others, Ser Robert gets out of control, and ruins Aegon's coronation by slaughtering half the people in attendance. Ser Robert makes it out of the Red Keep and out of King's Landing, to join with the other animated dead who have risen from their graves. Arianne pleads with Aegon to send troops to defend them, but Varys ensures them that their only safety is behind the Walls of the Red Keep and there is nothing that can be done for the smallfolk.


Sam is studying in Oldtown while Euron is invading. Euron's forces invade the Citadel, seeking a book on dragons, but Sam and some of the Maesters are able to stop them. Sam is about to be narrowly killed, when some of Connington's men arrive and save Oldtown from Euron. Sam also discovers ancient texts about the Others with vital information contained within them. Sam tells Jon Connington of what is going on at the Wall, and he takes Sam's words seriously. Sam also runs into his father who is with Connington, and finally musters up some courage to face him.

Sam arrives in King's Landing with Connington, and Connington trusts him at this point. Sam reads the letters throughout the realm since Qyburn was killed by Jaime, and he reads the letter sent by Jon that the Others' have penetrated the Wall. He immediately goes to Connington warning him of it, but Connington figures out that Varys had tricked him and that Aegon was a fake. He tells Sam to release Jaime from the dungeons and flee north with him to defend Rhaegar's true son and the realm. Sam hurries hastily to the dungeons and gets Jaime's sword Oathkeeper since he thinks that Valyrian Steel is effective against the others. They barely escape King's Landing, and are chased by the undead as they flee.


Back at the Nightfort, Stannis sits their incredibly bitter, as a storm comes. He thinks that everyone he has fought to protect has betrayed him, and why he felt a sense of duty to them. As he's thinking that, the Others' unexpectedly attack from the South, and decimate Stannis' army. They take Stannis alive though, and drag him before the Great Other. Stannis fights brutally as the Others push him onto the alter, but when the Great Other touches his cheek, he feels a great burning and freezing pain, and then all of the sudden, bliss, something Stannis had never experienced before. The Great Other steps back, and all the Others bow before him. Stannis takes up his own Lightbringer and becomes the new Night's King.
This post was edited on 8/4/15 at 7:09 pm
Posted by iwyLSUiwy
I'm your huckleberry
Member since Apr 2008
34804 posts
Posted on 10/20/14 at 8:48 pm to

Yes, it is a faceless man, likely Jaqen

Please explain
Posted by OMLandshark
Member since Apr 2009
110032 posts
Posted on 10/20/14 at 8:48 pm to
So, easily my longest post ever, but I think that's what's going to happen in the 6th book. Some I'm more confident than others, but I think that would be one hell of a book if some variation of all that happened.
Posted by iwyLSUiwy
I'm your huckleberry
Member since Apr 2008
34804 posts
Posted on 10/20/14 at 8:58 pm to
I'm about halfway through your book. It sucks because I wanted to reply to your very first point about Cersei
Posted by ladytiger118
Member since Aug 2009
20922 posts
Posted on 10/20/14 at 9:06 pm to
Excellent posts. I think Martin should let you finish the series instead .

Definitely agree about Arya being a total mystery/the most unpredictable character.
Posted by John McClane
Member since Apr 2010
36746 posts
Posted on 10/20/14 at 9:06 pm to
Pate died in the prologue; killed by an alchemist. The alchemist resembled the description of the man Jaqen transformed into when he said goodbye to Arya in A Clash of Kings. Then when Sam gets to the Citadel, he meets Pate. Jaqen replaced Pate.
Posted by Freder
Member since Aug 2014
809 posts
Posted on 10/20/14 at 9:08 pm to

The group introduce themselves as Howland Reed, Jason Mallister, and Maege Mormont and present two scrolls in front of Jon, one with a Stark seal and the other with a Targaryen seal.

I got chills reading that. That would be an unbelievably epic way to end one of Jon's chapters.
Posted by DestrehanTiger
Houston, TX by way of Louisiana
Member since Nov 2005
12516 posts
Posted on 10/20/14 at 9:19 pm to
Also, from what I remember, he didn't really melt. It was just a way for a POV character to describe the feeling of dying. It was most likely some sort of poison.

Just found it


He was halfway down the alley when the cobblestones began to move beneath his feet. The stones are slick and wet, he thought, but that was not it. He could feel his heart hammering in his chest. “What’s happening?” he said. His legs had turned to water. “I don’t understand.” “And never will,” a voice said sadly. The cobblestones rushed up to kiss him. Pate tried to cry for help, but his voice was failing too.
This post was edited on 10/20/14 at 9:27 pm
Posted by John McClane
Member since Apr 2010
36746 posts
Posted on 10/20/14 at 9:29 pm to
Yep, that's what I remembered as well.

I was going to respond earlier, like WTF who melted?
Posted by Scruffy
Kansas City
Member since Jul 2011
72406 posts
Posted on 10/20/14 at 9:32 pm to
Yea, it is pretty obvious that it was poison.
Posted by iwyLSUiwy
I'm your huckleberry
Member since Apr 2008
34804 posts
Posted on 10/20/14 at 9:52 pm to

Yep, that's what I remembered as well. I was going to respond earlier, like WTF who melted?

Whelp. Kind of took the his legs felt like water thing too literal
Posted by iluvdatiger
Baton Rouge, LA
Member since Jan 2004
42834 posts
Posted on 10/20/14 at 9:54 pm to


The Battle of Meereen will commence, Barristan will nearly be killed in battle by Victarion, but Viscerion will narrowly save Barristan from certain death. Dany will come in with a whole Khal behind her. Tyrion will be able to meet with her once she gets back in Meereen, and is furious to see that Jorah and Brown Ben are the people with Tyrion, who she'll also despise instantly. He'll quickly call her out on her bullshite, all of which Barristan identifies as unfortunately true. Dany will want to execute all 3 of them, but Barristan will tell her what they say is true and that she can not afford to execute Tyrion, because of his knowledge and the fact that he can train her dragons for her.

Tyrion is able to make quick work of the dragons, and they depart for Westeros. Once they leave the Bay of Grief, they are greeted by the Navy of Qarth and New Ghis, who wipe out half of Dany's ships. One of the captains of the ships taunts Dany and Tyrion and says that hundreds of ships are on their way from the Free Cities as well as reinforcements from New Ghis and Qarth, and that they'll wipe them regardless. They will think that they're certainly doomed, but Tyrion says that in order to live, their only shot is sailing through Valyria, since the other ships will sail around the peninsula instead of through it, and they'll miss the entire force. The crewmen are scared shitless, but Dany agrees that that is there only chance at survival.

They arrive in Old Valyria and stop. Tyrion is able to find Brightroar, and Dany discovers some ancient secret about dragons, the Doom of Valyria, and her destiny. Suddenly some dark forces attack, and Dany loses several ships in the process, as well as Barristan who sacrifices himself for her. They make it through Valyria, and sail to Westeros completely unopposed.

When they arrive on Dragonstone, they find out that the small folk are scared shitless of her and are doing everything in their power to keep her and her dragons away from the mainland. With Aegon victorious, and the North looking like it's on the up (more on that next), they think Dany is Aerys and Cersei come again. They will then receive a raven from Jon Snow to Dragonstone warning them of the Others and to bring all the troops they can. Tyrion tells Dany there is no hope for them to outright conquer Westeros even with her 3 dragons, but that they can save the realm and win the loyalty of the people through that, since he's sure both Littlefinger and Varys will do nothing to save the realm. Dany decides that's the only logical choice, and begins drawing up plans to defeat the Others.

Dany and her dragons go to meet Jon at the wall where the dragons help to easily defeat the others. Word spreads throughout Westeros that Dany and Jon have teamed up and are coming to reclaim the throne in Kings Landing. Everyone in the North, as well as the Tyrells will join up with them, Jon is reunited with Arya and Dany makes her an official Queensguard member.

Upon entering the city, Arya is the first to find Cersei and she stabs her in the heart with needle and whispers in her ear, "All men must die, and dumb bitches too".

Bran returns to Kings Landing to become the dragon tamer but one dragon becomes evil and flys away. One day he returns and has this evil queen flying on his back and they proceed to torch the half the city before Bran can assemble the other dragons to ward them off. Jon demands the dragon and the evil queen be found at once and killed. This causes a huge rift between Dany and Jon because he wants to kill her rogue dragon. Jon goes off in search of the dragon and evil queen.

While he's gone a tall dark and handsome guy lands on the shores in a little row boat. He's been lost on a mysterious island for like 2 years. Dany shows him mercy after Tyrion convinces her he is harmless and a bastard of Robert. Dany starts to visit him in the smithy and one night he kisses her after he falls into the fire and she saves him. What will happen when Jon finds out? Who is the evil queen? where did she come from? Find out in 2024 in book 7...A Tale of Three Dragons.
This post was edited on 10/20/14 at 10:08 pm
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